Extremely thristy


New Member
I have a new Panther chameleon that is about 4-5 months old. I've only had him less than a week, so I apologize in advance for asking so many questions. He is in a 2x2x4 reptibreeze enclosure and gets misted (MistKing) every 2 hours for at least 2 minutes each misting. I have 2 nozzles in the back of the enclosure and a rain nozzle on top, so when the misting system comes on, it gets everything really wet. He loves to get misted and usually stands under the rain nozzle when it comes on. I have noticed that he drinks a lot. Between mistings, everything dries out and he starts licking the branches trying to get water. Yesterday he was shedding for the first time since I got him. In addition to the regular misting schedule, I also hand misted him with warm water to help him with his shedding...I read on here that helps. Even with all of that, he was still licking the side of the pothos pot trying to get more water. Is this normal, or is something going on that is making him so thirsty?
My cham will sometimes do this even after a big drink, and other times he won't drink at all during/after a misting. As long as your cham isn't showing any signs of dehydration, his humidity is correct, and he has access to water then I wouldn't be overly concerned.
Thanks for the information. I almost feel like I'm misting too much, but it does dry quickly. I just hate watching him licking dry branches looking for water and hour after misting and I know it will be another hour before the next one.

The humidity stays around 60-70% during the day and his urate in his poops have looked pretty white. I guess I'm just paranoid.
Its far better to ask! It could ease your mind to check your humidity gauge's accuracy. What type is it? The little analog dial types sold by most pet shops are not very accurate. If there isn't a lot of foliage in his cage to hold more water droplets you can fix this. Its all about surface area...the more there is the more water is caught and held for him to lick over a longer time. During our winter our indoor spaces can get pretty dried out from central heating, so the cage humidity level may be lower than your gauge indicates. Worth a check.
I have a digital wifi one. The sensor is near the middle of the cage. Right now I am misting 6 times for a total of 14 minutes. I have a schefflera in the bottom and a pothos with some long vines that go all the way to the bottom of the cage hanging in the top.
Seeing as hes a panther, he could just be tasting. Panthers seem to do this alot.

As long as his urates are white, and his eyes are not sunken in, hes not dehydrated.
My thoughts exactly camimom. My panther gently sticks his tongue out on branches, me, vines, etc.. I'm starting to believe that it is like you said, he's "tasting" everything. I'd say it a way to verify his territory and make sure that there is no intruders on his turf
My panther also does this at times. I agree with others it might be him testing his new home out. Kath.
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