Fiona's Mom
Chameleon Enthusiast
No problem...just a fresh set of eyes sometimes sees things others miss. Happy it was nothing.As of right now, he's opening them both most of the day. But sometimes he will have his right eye closed. Before it was his left. He hasn't lost his appetite (which is one thing we had heard to keep an eye on). And when his enclosure gets misted, he is rotating his eyes around in the socket.
I will try and get some updated photos of him when I get home tonight. He jsust got a cage upgrade (from a medium to an XL [unintentional on that size, the shop guy sold us the XL cage at the L cage price. ]).
When we first got him, he had the coiled 10.0 UVB bulb that came with the starter kit. That was for maybe 3 weeks? Now he's on the linear bulb.
My apologies on completely missing your question! I feel so rude now. I took his photo with my crappy camera phone, so those are actually his white side markings.