Hello everyone. I have a female veiled chameleon about 2-3 months old who is having issues with her eyes. I originally purchased her sick tank mate from the pet store trying to nurse her back to health. She had double eye infections and did not make it. I went back to the store and got her healthy tank mate (they separated them when the other got sick). Now this one will not open either of her eyes, the one is bulging the other looks a little sunken in. Because she won't open her eyes she hasn't been able to eat or drink on her own. I will bring her to the sink to drink (filtered water) and force feed her meal worms (she will spit out crickets). She is more fussy than normal and likes to rub her bulging eye on me. I began giving her small doses of my first's antibiotic. Anyone have ideas of what I should do? Thank you in advance!