Eye problem

Ok so I have a male Yemen chameleon around a year old and when I first got him I realised he had a tiny bit a goo in his right eye, a week later it was fine and its been fine for months now. However, yesterday I realised it was back, and now its worse. his eye moves around like normal but he appears not to be able to see out of it.

I've tried to attached two pictures, one showing his bad eye and the other showing both for comparison. I'm not too sure what to do about this or how/if I can help. Thanks
I can't see any pictures, but I think a vet trip is probably in order. It sounds like an eye infection. You could put him in the shower and see if he can rinse out whatever is bothering him, but it sounds more serious than that.
I'm having trouble uploading the photos but I was hopping there was some kind of treatment I could buy. I don't know of any reptile vets around where I am :/
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