Eye Problems?


New Member
Hello forums,
I recently noticed my veiled cham's right eye looks kinda flakey and different from normal. She sometimes rubs this eye against a branch to clean it out, is it possible she ripped the skin? She is eating, drinking, and pooping normally. She shed about 2-3 weeks ago so I don't expect her to start again soon. I'm worried about the possibility of infection. Anyone know what's going on here? I've included pictures of the problem eye.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon, female, about 7-8 months old, owned for 7 months.
  • Handling - Rarely.
  • Feeding - Gut loaded medium-large crickets, 6-8 once a day (depending on size), sometimes a mealworm for a snack.
  • Supplements - ZooMed calcium without D3 daily, Rep-Cal multivitamin twice a month, ZooMed calcium with D3 twice a month.
  • Watering - Mist with spray bottle, average 4 times a day for about 1-2 minutes each, yes I have seen her drink.
  • Fecal Description - White urea, poop regular size and color.
  • History - I've witnessed her scratch this eye against a branch several times in the past 1-2 months, where it does that bulgy thing then goes back to normal. I read on this site that it's a way to clean the eye out. Twice I've given her a shower, and I've upped misting frequency.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen cage, 16x16x30".
  • Lighting - 60w ZooMed Daylight Blue and 5.0 UVB ZooMed 13w tropical, on for 12 hours each day.
  • Temperature - Basking spot ~ 100 degrees F and cage floor ~ 77 degrees F, nightly temperatures average ~ 77 degrees F.
  • Humidity - Humidity as high as 70% and as low as 50% (at night and basking spot), spray bottle misting (see "watering")
  • Plants - Only plastic plants.
  • Placement - Away from window, high traffic, and vents. Top of cage approx. 48 inches above floor.
  • Location - South FL.
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