Eyes closing and dark coloration

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther chameleon, male, little over a year.
He's been in my care since july of last year.

Handling - I try to keep it as minimal as possible (showers, and checking for problems)

Feeding - Usually I feed a mix of silkworms and hornworms, with superworms thrown in randomly.
recently though, I've run out of everything so I'm feeding waxworms, silkmoths, and supers.
(Crickets in my area have been questionable, hes gotten parasites twice from local sources so im hesitant to buy any).
What amount? Usually 2-3 feeders at a time depending on size and "crunchiness"
What is the schedule? Because of his age I sometimes go a day or two without feeding, usually he decides for himself :rolleyes:.
How are you gut-loading your feeders? superworms are gutloaded with collard greens, carrots, apples, and other veggies.

Supplements - Herptivite, calcium with D3 and calcium without D3.
Calcium without d3 daily (not necessarily on all feeders) herptivite twice a month, and calcium with d3 twice a month.

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? hand misting and a container.
How often and how long to you mist? I mist for about 3 to 4 minutes several times a day. and offer him a drink out of a container several times a day also Do you see your chameleon drinking? Yes

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. formed solid brown, solid light, almost white, orange urate with a jellylike bright orange tip.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? Yes he was treated for pinworm and a bacterial infection a while back.

History - When I recieved him he was very active and colorful, first checkup he was said to have slight calcium deficiency, treated. Later switched vets and he was then diagnosed and treated for pinworm and a bacterial infection.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 24x24x48 lll reptile screen cage.

Lighting - reptisun linear 5.0 and soft white incandescent light bulbs.
(been playing around with them a bit because i saw him open his eyes fully when I turned one off only to close an eye again randomly) at the moment there's two brand new 75w on his cage.
linear bulb goes on at about 6:50 (sunrise) Other lights are gradually turned on as the sun rises.

Temperature - I tried to raise the basking spot to 80 degrees but he squinted his eyes so its about 75 at the moment. cage floor is about 68 degrees. Lowest overnight temp? 69-65 degrees
measured with acurite digital thermometer and hygrometer

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? lowest 30% highest 50%
How are you creating and maintaining these levels? hand mister and warmmist humidifer that broke about two days ago.
What do you use to measure humidity? acurite digital thermometer and hygrometer

Plants - Are you using live plants? yes If so, what kind? a hibiscus and two pothos

Placement - Where is your cage located? unused dining area
Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? it's near a window and a few feet away from the front door. It can be a high traffic area on certain occasions. But mostly quiet throughout the day.
At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? It's about less then a foot away from my ceiling and about three feet off the ground
Location - Where are you geographically located? upper nj

Current Problem - Hes still active, eating and drinking well. But he maintains a slightly darker coloration throughout the day.
There have been some issues with shedding as well, it's incomplete and taking longer to come off.
He's also squinting his eyes sporadically, varying from one eye to the other, sometimes he closes both.(becomes especially irritated when I mist squeezing his eyes shut and almost cringing:() I've tried flushing it out with water, with no real change, will be getting some saline solution later today. I'm not sure whats going on and I'm very worried about him. One moment hes bright and active and then he just gets dark and doesnt seem to move as much. I've attempted to raise temps assuming he might be cold, but he just shuts his eyes and doesnt move, and when i lower them he moves but his colors remain dark.:confused:
I have every intention of taking him to the vet sometime this week (I have to wait until his vet has an opening). But I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or input they'd like to give me. I'd appreciate it. Maybe questions I could bring up to the vet? I'm at a loss and quite fustrated, I really just want to see my little boy thrive again.
I think he needs more humidity, I would try to move him to a quieter area in the house too. Sounds like he might be a little stressed. Also, I just got my new panther baby, and I increased the temp by about 5 degrees from 70's to 80's and he stopped sitting around dark all day and began showing some brighter colors. I would try to increase the heat a little.
I have an almost 2 month old panther chameleon and it looks to be in great health except I have noticed it does similiar things with it's eyes like yours. It's right seems to be irritated. It sometimes rubs it's eye against a branch and then the eye looks to shift around then back into place. It's very weird! It has no visible pain or any sign of something wrong with the eye. It still has vision in both eyes. Any idea of what it could be?
I think he needs more humidity, I would try to move him to a quieter area in the house too. Sounds like he might be a little stressed. Also, I just got my new panther baby, and I increased the temp by about 5 degrees from 70's to 80's and he stopped sitting around dark all day and began showing some brighter colors. I would try to increase the heat a little.

I'm having trouble maintaining humidity, tried a warm mist humidifier which broke, interested in getting a mistking, I've put a towel on the back of the cage to hold in some moisture, but the cage seems to dry out way to quickly.
I've tried increasing the temp but he squints his eyes and 'cleans them' he wont open them until i turn the lights off and even then he squints.
I have an almost 2 month old panther chameleon and it looks to be in great health except I have noticed it does similiar things with it's eyes like yours. It's right seems to be irritated. It sometimes rubs it's eye against a branch and then the eye looks to shift around then back into place. It's very weird! It has no visible pain or any sign of something wrong with the eye. It still has vision in both eyes. Any idea of what it could be?

This is how chameleons "clean their eyes" I like to think of it as their form of 'blinking'.
Oh wow So hes perfectly fine? LOl I hope cause Ive done so much reseach and never came across this blinking thing and it freaked me out!
mmm....while it's probable it is just "cleaning the eye" I think I would be watching that for awhile...the fact that it came to your attention means it's not something normally done...it might be nothing, but stay alert.
As for humidity, I have my dropper drip down my leaves in to container I covered with screen, and a few fake leaves! I also duct taped a piece of a clear shower curtain over the back panel on the cage.
As for humidity, I have my dropper drip down my leaves in to container I covered with screen, and a few fake leaves! I also duct taped a piece of a clear shower curtain over the back panel on the cage.

I definately have to try the shower curtain. How often do you change it?
Can you post a picture please?

These photos were taken on Monday, I placed him in the shower today and there seemed to be some improvement. Sorry about the blurriness my hands were a bit shakey.

You can see his eyes closed in the first two, the third shot is a close up of one eye, the next is a full body shot with both eyes open, showing his dark coloration and the incomplete shed. He opens and shuts his eyes sporadically, sometimes only one, and sometimes both.


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Yeah...somethings not right there. Hopefully an expert will have an idea...He's lovely though! I hope this can all be worked out.
Just thought I'd update on the vet visit. The doctor felt that there was a good chance Leo was suffering from vitamin A deficiency, so he decided to give him a shot to boost his vitamin A levels, as well as something else I don't quite remember. I was told to look for a change in his activity and call back if there were no changes.
He examined the eyes and told me to continue flushing them with them with saline solution for about a week. One thing he was very admant about was that I watch for any eye issues, saying that it was something he'd seen in a good portion of the chameleons he'd treated, and it could all go downhill from there.
He also took a blood sample, leo gave him quite the fight, took him and another nurse to get it done. I should get the results in a few days.

One thing I'm wondering about though if the stress of the visit could have caused him to throw-up or defecate early? I found a partially digested hornworm and a fully undigested butterworm on the bottom of his cage today that had been fed the day before. I'm wondering if anyone knows if this is something I should be worried about? He appears fine, if anything a bit more active then before, opening his eyes more, squinting isnt as frequent, readily drinking, but he wasn't up to eating. His vet wasn't in today so I'll try and contact him again tommorow, but if anyone has any input I'd appreciate it.
An update on leo. His eyes are doing much better:), Ive added some shower curtain along two sides of the cage as well as another hibiscus into the cage to boost humidity, I'll be adding a pothos in about a week, as well as a T8 18" 6500k lamp once I can find a fixture it fits in.
He still maintains a dark coloration and sits under his basking spot a good portion of the day (it's about 80F). He has also eaten only two butterworms since his visit. He's continued to drink readily so no issues there. But i'm worried about everything else
The blood test came back clean, no problems were found. Both me and the vet are a bit stumped.:confused: Neither of us can figure out why hes like this. I'm continuing the saline for a few more days and I've been administering reptaid as well. I know stress is a factor but I feel like theres more to it. My vet would like to put him on some antibiotics if he doesnt show any changes. But I dont know if this is necessary. Any ideas what the problem could be? Or opinions on putting him on antibiotics?
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