Fact or fiction ( you decide) covering soil

Honestly repti carpet is the only good way to go. Very easy to clean, cheap- dont have to keep buying soil and you dont have to worry about your chameleon ever eating soil.!!
I've never covered my organic soil either. I've never felt it posed any real risk - as if these animals hadn't been on this planet for millions of years and didn't know what to do with dirt. I've never seen them eat any of it, but if they did it wouldn't bother me. After all, we allow our females to have access to laying bins full of sand or dirt, but then we cover up all the plant pots? Makes no sense.
i stopped covering soil a while back, except for a veiled that has an obsession with it,
i agree that for most chams if they eating soil it is showing a lack of something else.
i do take out about 2 inches of soil from any new plant and replace it with organic soil just incase they accidentally pick some up.
my brother used to eat dirt as a kid and my mom was told by the doctor that it was due to an iron definciey and to let him do it, that his body knew what it needed
really he used to eat it by the handfull LoL
kinda like when a cat catches a mouse and eats only the liver ( which is full of vit a and other good stuff LoL )
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