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Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon, 1 year old, purchased from Petsmart.
* Handling - Minimal
* Feeding - Crickets & Dubia Roaches, as well as kale & he normally eats the hibiscus' leaves. Crickets are free running, roaches are in a feeding cup. I give him about 6 crickets in the cage, and 3 roaches in the cup.
* Supplements - Calcium w/o D3 daily, multivitamin & calcium w/ d3 once a week alternating between the two.
* Watering - Dripper runs almost all day & sprayed twice a day, I don't see him drink and generally doesn't like the spray so I don't spray him directly.
* Fecal Description - that's part of the problem...none
* History - Has had problems with shedding in the past, irritating his eyes. Healthy otherwise but VERY fussy eater (nothing that squirms such as horn worms, silks, supers, wax, butters, all rejected).
Cage Info:
* Cage Type - LLL aluminum cage (48 x 24 x 24
* Lighting - 8am - 9pm with a 40 watt basking (in basement, so a little too cool with any less) and a florescent uvb strip (Reptiglo 5.0), and a 40 watt grow light for the tree.
* Temperature - floor around 70 and basking site's around 88.
* Humidity - 60-70%
* Plants - Live Hibiscus tree, fills the entire upper half of the cage
* Placement -In the quiet of our finished basement, set on top of a 2 ft table, top of the cage is only about a foot from the ceiling.
* Location - London, ON
Current Problem - I think I'm losing him
He's keeping his eyes both shut, hasn't eaten an insect in 2 weeks, doesn't look like he's eaten any of the tree and no kale and hasn't had a bowel movement in a week. He also hasn't shed in over a month. He looks vibrant in colour but is getting skinnier & skinnier. I'm also finding him down on the bottom inside the tupperware that catches the leftover water from the dripper.
I fear because I bought him from Petsmart he's the product of their reputation.
Please tell me if it's something I'm doing wrong!!!!
I'm taking him to the vet as soon as they call back, but would appreciate any thoughts.
* Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon, 1 year old, purchased from Petsmart.
* Handling - Minimal
* Feeding - Crickets & Dubia Roaches, as well as kale & he normally eats the hibiscus' leaves. Crickets are free running, roaches are in a feeding cup. I give him about 6 crickets in the cage, and 3 roaches in the cup.
* Supplements - Calcium w/o D3 daily, multivitamin & calcium w/ d3 once a week alternating between the two.
* Watering - Dripper runs almost all day & sprayed twice a day, I don't see him drink and generally doesn't like the spray so I don't spray him directly.
* Fecal Description - that's part of the problem...none
* History - Has had problems with shedding in the past, irritating his eyes. Healthy otherwise but VERY fussy eater (nothing that squirms such as horn worms, silks, supers, wax, butters, all rejected).
Cage Info:
* Cage Type - LLL aluminum cage (48 x 24 x 24
* Lighting - 8am - 9pm with a 40 watt basking (in basement, so a little too cool with any less) and a florescent uvb strip (Reptiglo 5.0), and a 40 watt grow light for the tree.
* Temperature - floor around 70 and basking site's around 88.
* Humidity - 60-70%
* Plants - Live Hibiscus tree, fills the entire upper half of the cage
* Placement -In the quiet of our finished basement, set on top of a 2 ft table, top of the cage is only about a foot from the ceiling.
* Location - London, ON
Current Problem - I think I'm losing him
I fear because I bought him from Petsmart he's the product of their reputation.
I'm taking him to the vet as soon as they call back, but would appreciate any thoughts.