So my xl terrariums arrived. Debating on fake or live plants. However I’m aware of the dangers associated with fake plants. However I see a lot of people using them and telling other not to. I’ve searched for reported cases on the forums of chams being impacted and found nothing. While this leads someone to want to believe that this is because using fake is frowned upon and has reduced the reporting of impacted chams or it it just a risk worth taking for sanitary purposes. I have every intent on puting in live however would like the real opinion of using fake plants with PANTHERS not fully just some vines in a corner where the mister will spray that I can sanatize and remove Andy build up from water deposits alge or anything that grows where water is continuously sprayed. You can’t sanitize real plants with a garment steamer and expect them to thrive even with swapping them out. I’m not talking one cage I’m talking upwards of 5 + individual cages to sanatize.