fallen vieled


New Member
my 7 month old vieled fell from the island yesterday and hes not using his back legs now. dont know what to do for him. i removed all his high branches so he could just stay on the bottom of his cage. not sure if he has eating since 8am when i gave him worms. so worried no vet open yesterday. can they help him or is he going to die?????? ?? want to help him the best way i can. :confused:
cant post a pick as im at work but hes uva/b light is on him 10-11 hrs a day, along with a heating lamp and a nightlight for night. he eats crickets and mealworms daily. sprayed 4-5x a day. he just walked off the island when i went to the kitchen and landed awfully wrong. hes done it before but has been ok but not this time. hes not using his back legs at all and hardly moving his tail. hes feet will clamp but you have to touch them to get them to close. seems no grip power. just dotn want him to suffer if there is no help for him :'(
Well he shouldnt have a nightlight, though thats not going to affect his legs.

I suspect, and this is JMO, that he may have a broken back...

You should try to find a vet who can take x rays of him.

He could also just be sore, maybe a pinched nerve, and that could explain the paralysis.

thanks so much. my bf is going to take it from me since i cant leave work. but im so worried cuz before this hes been great. im so broken hearted!
So sorry to hear that you may be in the same boat with me. It is a tough place to be (x-rays show my 1 yr old has compression fracture of two vertebra).

Mine is on pain meds and doing well. so it isn't certain death...

Let me know if I can be of any help.
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