false dead head roaches


New Member
i hear a lot about dubias and how they are good feeder roaches, but i was wondering, what about false dead head roaches?

thanks for the help
Do you mean discoid roaches? They are often called false death head roaches I believe. I have a big colony of discoids and feed them off as I would dubia. they only problem with the discoids is that they get larger in general than the dubia and most panthers cannot handle them. I feed three of m adult males and one of my adult female panthers on them. They take a min or two to eat them but love them. Also if the nymphs are on the verge of being too big just wait till they molt and then feed them off, they are then just like a soft-bodied worm type bug and can be eaten easily. Some of the adult male discoids are small enough for most of my panthers but the adult females are harder to get rid of with the panther chams. My giant waxy monkey frogs and goliath frogs love them though. As well as my alligator snapper and my skinks. they are alot faster than dubias though when they are kept warm so you have to be careful when cleaning/feeding them off. You don't want a 2-3 inch long roach running around. Overall I prefer dubia though because all of my adult panthers can eat adult males and females of those. Many people believe adult females are too large for most panthers but mine have no trouble at all with them. hope this helped.

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