Faly in HD

thanks a lot Kev for this siiicck video! love that guy! how do you get him to color up so nicely? a mirror?

Hey thanks Man! I can't wait for those Ambilobes, btw. They're parents are so beautiful. He just fires up like that when I take him out of the cage. It's wild. He doesn't get mad, but he's usually darker in his cage. I pick him up, and he just colors up.

In the last part of the video, a female is visible so he gets even more fired up.
Hey thanks Man! I can't wait for those Ambilobes, btw. They're parents are so beautiful. He just fires up like that when I take him out of the cage. It's wild. He doesn't get mad, but he's usually darker in his cage. I pick him up, and he just colors up.

In the last part of the video, a female is visible so he gets even more fired up.

thats a beautiful thing that he is going for the ladies already! you better get atleast 6 females for that stud! lol
Thank you for all the kind comments. :)

For anyone that's interested, I finally got some true HD vids of him up:



I'm going to try to keep HD videos coming on the youtube in the coming weeks.

As for the settings on the camera Minihuey, I'm honestly not sure. These were taken right out of the box. I've been so busy that I've barely been able to use the thing, so I'm really not sure.

And Goggles, he's 6 months old.

Really, thanks for the comments all. I'll try to improve the quality as I learn this thing and hopefully have a ton of HD cham videos coming.....
Great vids Kevin. Ziggy is coloring up so great! Its amazing to see how much hes changed since the first pics you uploaded of him. Love all that clean white background color. Hes gonna be spectacular in a cpl more months. I thought bumblebee was the man, ziggy may take the throne dude.
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