Faly porn

Texas Panther Man

New Member
Here are a few crappy pics of Razr with a wc female faly named marianne that I got in Jan. She is one of the biggest faly females Ive ever seen.


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Damm!! Tex. Good job!! Your pic is better than mine!! You really got him in action LOL!! Good luck I'll be waiting to get some of you!;)
Thanks Junior. I couldnt get the lighting right so they look pretty drab & washed out. The pics dont do them any justice. I was kind of shaking the cage a bit trying to get a decent pic and was worried about freaking them out so I snapped as many as I could and left them alone. :D

This is my Raiden male so i cant wait to see how this guys offspring turn out. ;) Now only about a yr worth of waiting.....
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