Fan at night?


Avid Member
Should the fan that circulates the room be set on the timer with the lights, or is it alright to run it on low at night? Thanks.
I keep mine on at night, I think that it seems to get more windy at night so that is why I allways kept mine on the same speed all day.
I leave the fan on in the room with my cooler temp species all night. Then the air conditioner on and off throughout the day during the summer. As long as it's not pointed directly at them it should be fine. It gets pretty cold and windy sometimes over there in Maddy and southeast Africa at night. Then again it gets pretty hot sometimes too.
I was wondering this too,i have it next to his cage,but facing the same direction,but it doesnt hit the cage at all,it just faces one direction and doesnt twist. I only have it on during the night.
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