Fat dubia roach in my kitchen!

I think it is worse when you look down and see a 3" long silverfish in your kitchen! And then a week later in your livingroom and watch it climbinto your sleper sofa... which YOU have to sleep in that night!
Thats why im not sold on dubias. They freak me out. I just got a colony and i havent started feeding any off yet. Im trying to let the adults breed. Are you just holding them w/tongs and snipping off head w/scisors or what? Crix, horns, silks, grass don't freak me out but i dont like messing w roaches.
I think dubias need too much moisture to be able to infest a home. Roaches can create their own humidity by huddling up in a group and breathing with each other in a tight space (like a cardboard toilet paper tube), but dubias need quite a bit of moist food or a water source to create enough humidity. And in spite of what I said about temperature- winter does slow them down a lot and the air dries out a lot during the winter too.
Whats the big deal about dubias breeding in houses now when your chams hungry just scoop some of the floor jk I tried feeding roaches to my tegu who didnt eat them and they breed inside his cage I took the baby roaches and sold them for $5 for 20 my friend got a great deal never again will I try them
Hey tkilgour you should gut load your roaches with your mother in law then everyones happy!:D

Thanks a lot, you have me laughing so hard I may have an asthma attack. If I die here home alone tonight it is all your fault!!!!!

btw I keep by roaches heated to about 85 all time, mine would never leave their happy warm food filled home.
These aren't roaches - they're Trilobites!

Hey Thanks a Lot!:)

I'm gonna try that line out sometime if a suitable situation comes up (like mother in law finding one in the kitchen!)

I think it is worse when you look down and see a 3" long silverfish in your kitchen! And then a week later in your livingroom and watch it climbinto your sleper sofa... which YOU have to sleep in that night!

No….what is worse is wondering why all of a sudden my cham who free ranges is suddenly very interested in the kitchen where he has shown no signs of roaming into before.

Well I found out why….a great big, stinking NON dubia regular American house cockroach that is now taken up residence in my kitchen somewhere.

I hate them! I can pick up dubias, supers, crickets, hornworms without flinching, I know where they have been. Common old cockroach that is 1 – 2 inches long freaks me out. My boyfriend called me a sissy so I told him to make dinner as I wasn’t going in the kitchen until he got rid of it. He saw it and we had take out that night…..and the next. A week later we are still hesitant to go into the kitchen……I need a cat :rolleyes:
Possibly worst story yet: 2 summers ago, i bought a starter colony of the turkistan roaches. I couldnt get the lid off... pulled and pulled.... finally ripped the lid off, flinging turk roaches every where. To this day I have an infestation. I even woke up with one in my ear once (seriously). Still, i went out and got dubias to try again and occasionally catch loose turkistans in my house to feed off :) I believe the lesson here is do not fear the enemy, especially when your enemy is meant to be fed to your friend :D
That IS the worst story i've heard!!!! :eek: I have dubias as well and about a month ago i went to put the folded clothes away and when i did, SURPRISE!!! Within the next few days i found 2 more in differnt rooms. Yuckkkkkk. I've heard that dubias won't cause an infestation but that lobsters WILL. Don't know how they escaped but i slept with 1 eye open for a couple of weeks. And yes i still have them but with a few more precautions.
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