Fatal Atractions on animal planet


Established Member
So I was watching this show the other night and they had a guy who got killed by his pet water monitor lizards. He had 4 of them and they roamed the house freely. He got bit by one of them, got an infection and died. then his Pet lizards ate him. So this got me wondering, Who do you think on this forum is the most likely to end up on that show? Do you think it will be a Chameleon bite that does this individual in?:eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
yes that was crazy i saw it few months back hes was an x marine who worked at a care dealership and did nothing much take care of his lizards.Would cut up half chickens and feed them right on the kitchen floor...crazy!!
yes that was crazy i saw it few months back hes was an x marine who worked at a care dealership and did nothing much take care of his lizards.Would cut up half chickens and feed them right on the kitchen floor...crazy!!

Thats disgusting
I used to keep snakes that could have killed me. I never really thought much about it untill my 14 foot reticulated Python nearly broke my arm. I then realized that having something that could take my life just wasn't cool
I used to keep snakes that could have killed me. I never really thought much about it untill my 14 foot reticulated Python nearly broke my arm. I then realized that having something that could take my life just wasn't cool
Whoa!! Thats scary s**t. How did it do that? Thats why i like chameleons. I think i could take one on. Lol. Also if they make a run for it. They arent super quick. Haha.
Whoa!! Thats scary s**t. How did it do that? Thats why i like chameleons. I think i could take one on. Lol. Also if they make a run for it. They arent super quick. Haha.

This is a long story so I apologize in advance. I was in college and had quite a few reptiles, even a Senegal Chameleon. I had built a custom cage for all of my animals I think I had around 25. I was enamored with snakes. I am not sure why, I just thought the were fascinating. Anyway I would not keep venomous snakes because I was too scared of getting bitten, but constrictors were no problem. What could possibly go wrong? So I raised up from a baby a reticulated Python. he was around 3 feet long when I got him and after about 3 years he had grown to around 14 feet. He was a pretty docile snake so I really did not think anything could go wrong. One day I was feeding him. I fed him frozen and thawed bunnies. He would eat 2 or three of them once a month. I had just fed him and I noticed that he had pooped in his water bowl. he did this quite frequently, so again there really was nothing out of the ordinary. What I did wrong, and I know it was my own stupidity but, I did not wash my hands after handling the bunnies. I reached into the cage to clean his water bowl and that was when it happened. He smelled them on my hands and saw the movement and he went for it. He bit my hand and got 2 coils around my arm just at the elbow. I yelled up to my buddies that I was living with at the time and they came running down the stairs to see me struggling on the floor trying to keep any more coils from getting around me. The snake started squeezing my arm and had it wrapped such that he was hyper extending my elbow. I could hear my joint cracking. The 5 guys that came down to help me were going to use a knife on the snake, but I told them if they could get his mouth open he would let go. It took three of them but they finally pried his mouth off of my hand and the snake immediately loosened his grip on my arm. I ended up in the hospital with torn ligaments and stretched tendons in my elbow. It was after that incident that I decided that anything that can kill me is not to be kept by a human. So that is the long winded story.:D
What an amazing story!.
To keep your wits about you (by telling the guys what to do) and endure the pain is quite a testament to your abilities. (Even if you didn't wash your hands!!)
Thanks Sontiger. I am more impressed by the guys who keep the snakes and say no I have never been hurt by one of my snakes. The truth of the matter is that the snake was expensive at the time a big Python like that was going for well over $1000.00. It was at the height of the reptile boom in the early nineties. So I did not want them harming my investment. As far as enduring the pain, That was more of a stupid kid thing. in my head I was going nuts, but I knew I would never hear the end of it from my dork friends, so I kept my mouth shut. It did make my eyes water though!
This is a long story so I apologize in advance. I was in college and had quite a few reptiles, even a Senegal Chameleon. I had built a custom cage for all of my animals I think I had around 25. I was enamored with snakes. I am not sure why, I just thought the were fascinating. Anyway I would not keep venomous snakes because I was too scared of getting bitten, but constrictors were no problem. What could possibly go wrong? So I raised up from a baby a reticulated Python. he was around 3 feet long when I got him and after about 3 years he had grown to around 14 feet. He was a pretty docile snake so I really did not think anything could go wrong. One day I was feeding him. I fed him frozen and thawed bunnies. He would eat 2 or three of them once a month. I had just fed him and I noticed that he had pooped in his water bowl. he did this quite frequently, so again there really was nothing out of the ordinary. What I did wrong, and I know it was my own stupidity but, I did not wash my hands after handling the bunnies. I reached into the cage to clean his water bowl and that was when it happened. He smelled them on my hands and saw the movement and he went for it. He bit my hand and got 2 coils around my arm just at the elbow. I yelled up to my buddies that I was living with at the time and they came running down the stairs to see me struggling on the floor trying to keep any more coils from getting around me. The snake started squeezing my arm and had it wrapped such that he was hyper extending my elbow. I could hear my joint cracking. The 5 guys that came down to help me were going to use a knife on the snake, but I told them if they could get his mouth open he would let go. It took three of them but they finally pried his mouth off of my hand and the snake immediately loosened his grip on my arm. I ended up in the hospital with torn ligaments and stretched tendons in my elbow. It was after that incident that I decided that anything that can kill me is not to be kept by a human. So that is the long winded story.:D

fwweew!! close one..ya to me its like this..why keep a loaded gun ready to fire if you have no gun safe or gun locks..someone is gunna get shot eventually, or at least an accidental discharge!..i always loved pitvipers..im just glad i kept that love to a distance of viewing from the tv..haha

glad you made it out ok..sheesh if you where all alone.....yeah, all bad...
Woah, crazy stories... I love watching that show lots of "stupid" people there and all I can do is shake my head. I am one of those that is terrified of dying so i'd rather not raise the chances of that happening to me, lol! It takes a very responsible person to deal with these amazing animals and one mistake can change everything. There are those few who just don't get it though like most that appear on that show. I'm glad they do bring in "experts" to explain that you just can't keep a tiger in your apartment locked in your restroom (have you seen that episode?) or let your Gaboon Viper loose in your house while you clean out it's tank. :) I have to admit though, I love the show.
I used to keep Boas, my rule was 1 foot of human (adults) for every foot of snake. I applied this every-time I interacted with my snakes. Also made sure to have a spray bottle of vinegar (makes snakes release grip) available, lucky I never had need of it.

Now that I am stuck using a walker or wheelchair I don't have any snakes, just the Chameleons, Dart Frogs, and the food items for both.

As for the tread question, you can die from any bite that brakes the skin, if it isn't cleaned and cared for properly.
Kinyonga, That was a NUTTY video! I cant imagine letting my leg get swallowed by a snake!
I have to admit that I love and get frustrated by that show lol You can see the bad desisions coming from a mile away, so you spend the rest of the episode cringing because you know that letting poisonous snakes loose in your house is a STUPID IDEA! lol And they always portray the reptile people are the weirdest of them all, especially because you'll get their reptile expert saying that people that keep reptiles are arrogant, they want to control unusual and different pets so they look cooler/are against the norm. Pff lol Sillyness if you ask me.
I Know i am cooler than anyone on my block cause I gots a chameloen and a python!!!
I Know i am cooler than anyone on my block cause I gots a chameloen and a python!!!

Lol, my ex neighbors kids use to call me the "reptile lady" and would get a kick out of seeing and handling my snakes. Once they even came to me because they had caught a cute little skink and wanted help on how to keep it as a pet. I gave them a 10 gallon tank with screen lid, substrate, a few crickets, and a basking lamp fixure to get them started. Told them they needed a hide, water dish, and all of the good stuff to keep him happy (or atleast I hoped he would be). I know i'm cool... :D
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