Favorite Smell?

The Wild One

Chameleon Enthusiast
So I know that Chams have a very poor sense of smell but (this question is out of the blue) out of the little variety that’s they can smell, has there every been and instance where a Cham has had a favorite smell? And if so what was their reaction to it?
Easy one... Popeyes chicken sandwich.

Truthfully, trying to read into a chams favorite anything besides food would be difficult. We have difficulty understanding “conciousness” between humans. When they say their sense of smell is poor, it basically means less developed and even more poorly understood.

Since they are visual, and also are a difficult animal to understand for keepers; I don’t really think your question could or should be answered. But, now I’m tempted to read about reptile EEG’s. Lol.
I wonder why chameleons seem to like superworms over crickets once they have eaten some if they can't taste...that leaves texture or appearance as alternatives and I'm not sure either of them make much sense.
I always thought it was the color, Coda is obsessed with bright pastel colors. She goes crazy over hibiscus!
Wel...this isn't smell...but...
"A chameleon can taste with its tongue, just like us. It is not clear exactly how well it a chameleon can distinquish different flavors, but it can at least taste sweet, sour and bitter. It is useful for any animal to recognise flavors, as some food can be poisionous and often this food has a bitter taste.

You can also see for yourself that a chameleon is able to taste. It will clearly eat some feeder insects more readily than others. It must like the taste!"

And this...
https://books.google.ca/books?id=l3BMAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47&dq=chameleons+taste&source=bl&ots=oKxz1QO5JA&sig=ACfU3U0BRRHfJCmgclQb9MF2ydrVwmqaZA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK7OXP5IPmAhVEqp4KHfSvDNYQ6AEwDXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=chameleons taste&f=false
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