Fbook page telling me im horrible for buying a chamelon glass tank


New Member
Is this horrid until i can get the open one i want hes 2-3 months old....out of the cage except when sleeping lots if outdoor time theres a dripper fogger uvb and basking light


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Supposedly people on the across the pond use that kind of set up.amd do fine. Sorry you were bashed on Fbook. That's a big reason I let that big ole judging station. When do you plan to upgrade him? How soon and to what.
Honestly, it is not a suitable environment. The issue is that veiled chameleons are very susceptible to URI's. This is usually from stagnated air coupled with improper temps. There are glass enclosures that are more appropriate for chameleons, but I still don't like keeping veileds in them.

Another issue is that your cage offers no hiding areas, drainage and with the way aquariums hold heat, no area for proper thermoregulation. I know that people impulse buy chameleons and they don't understand what they truly need until they get them home and start posting pics of their enclosures or sick animals. This is the nature of the beast it seems, so I am not going to sit here and chastise you. But, I will tell you that changes need to happen fast to your enclosure before bringing him home or I will be reading you post in two months about how your chameleon is dead. It is a continuous cycle here.

So, if you have already bought him, until you can get the proper enclosure set up, get a fan that will push air through the top of the screen so you can keep a solid air exchange in the tank. Get the foil out of the tank immediately. The reflections of the light off of that can kill her eyes. Get the philodendron vine out of the left back corner of the enclosure as they are toxic and veiled chameleons eat vegetation and start reading the information listed here for this species under "Resources" so you can familiarize yourself with what this species needs to thrive....not survive.
Bashing is a suitable term for this kind of tank....Yes, this is bad. Very bad.... So bad in fact that.......

Just kidding.

Glass is fine, however you're just doing it wrong. Most chameleon keepers will rag on you really hard for mentioning the 'G' word, but I use glass and so does Chris Anderson (for his montane species).

Do it like this, and your chameleon will be fine....better than an average crappy screen enclosure everyone uses IMO... http://reptiles.guru/chameleon/chameleons-climate-okay-use-glass-cage/

Here's Chris Anderson's setup... http://www.chameleonnews.com/10JulAndersonGlass.html

To be honest, your setup does suck... like a lot, like 0/10. You want to make many modifications for it to be suitable for a chameleon. Get a 18x18x24 exo terra at least. The cage you are using is made for FISH......... that should be *enough said*
Also have to say that the 2-3 month old stage would be the most sensitive to doing things wrong..... so it's better to change this immediately.

'Until I can get the open one'..... you should have had the open one before you got the chameleon! I don't know the exact circumstances, but there's absolutely no reason to keep a chameleon like this, especially a sensitive youngster, when there are so many resources online :)
I use glass enclosures for all of my montane species as well. But I don't think this person needs to attempt a glass enclosure with a veiled. Glass is great at maintaining humidity, which is why they are used with the montanes. Most novice that try to keep veileds in glass end up killing them.

I love glass enclosures, but you should go with a screen enclosure with this species.
I wakes into a pet store who had like 10 of these guys in a tiny enclosure with a few chainlinks....i couldnt leave him....he was the decentist looking one....sorry poor english
Ok ty it said chamelon tank when i bought him and it but as i started doing research i learned the mesh are better....hes only 3 inches anus to nose 5 g he was 3.5 when i got him.....hes out of the cage most of the time and under an air flow vent....we were gonna get a turtle and seen his living conditons before and couldnt leave him
Supposedly people on the across the pond use that kind of set up.amd do fine. Sorry you were bashed on Fbook. That's a big reason I let that big ole judging station. When do you plan to upgrade him? How soon and to what.
'We from across the pond' use glass terrariums.
This in fact is an aquarium and is more often used to keep reptiles in the USA where 'normal' glass terrariums are not as common as here (from what I hear).

There's also nothing against using a glass terrariums but it at least needs ventilation from the front or sides and a full mesh top.
What @jpowell86 says is kind of opposite here.
People often keep Veilds in wooden or glass terrariums to keep heat in and keep montanes in mesh for added ventilation as humidity 99% of the time isn't an issue.
So I guess you need to use which works best for your animal in your environment.

What I do know is that an aquarium is not a suited environment for most reptiles. It has poor ventilation so will have stale air which helps molding and bacteria growth. You're going to approach your cham from the top all the time which is stressful and your average aquarium does simply not have the right dimensions for a tree dwelling lizard.
I got a couple of Reptile One vivs who are not quite the build quality of the Exo Terras but as they come flat packed you can replace the sides with screen. I was going to use perforated stretched aluminium (nothing luminous about it my American friends;)) but I ended up with a Muji screen cage of the bay. However I feel either type of glass terrarium is more suited than a wooden viv unless you go the mile to ensure it doesn't rott eventually due to the misting needs of a chameleon.
Fish tanks are for fish and turtles.
Hamsters at a stretch :D
'We from across the pond' use glass terrariums.
This in fact is an aquarium and is more often used to keep reptiles in the USA where 'normal' glass terrariums are not as common as here (from what I hear). Don't you nonono me lol its 215 in the am here and I can't deal laughing like this while I'm trying g to sleep.

There's also nothing against using a glass terrariums but it at least needs ventilation from the front or sides and a full mesh top.
What @jpowell86 says is kind of opposite here.
People often keep Veilds in wooden or glass terrariums to keep heat in and keep montanes in mesh for added ventilation as humidity 99% of the time isn't an issue.
So I guess you need to use which works best for your animal in your environment.

What I do know is that an aquarium is not a suited environment for most reptiles. It has poor ventilation so will have stale air which helps molding and bacteria growth. You're going to approach your cham from the top all the time which is stressful and your average aquarium does simply not have the right dimensions for a tree dwelling lizard.
Nonono yourself it's 215 am here and trying to not laugh. I HAVE TO SLEEP. I tried to respond this just now but im assuming a glitch happened. Nonono lol I love it :):LOL::D:ROFLMAO:
Wait my insomnia has me wondering if that was a Robin Williams (Mork and Mindy) quote or a no no no....... great I'm still awake and mentally probed now lol:coffee:
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