Feeder colonies


Established Member
How do yall keep your feeders and feed/store them?

Im planning on crickets and pry silkies and was thinking im just going to get 2 kritter keepers and store them in my garage to feed them and keep them out of my gf's site because she is repulsed by crickets and espicially worms.

What do you use as a setup and pictures are always wonderful :)
I got an exo-terra terrarium for my crickets, 1x1 feet (30cmX30cm)
I got plastic holders outsidethe terrarium wich i cupfeed to the chams when needed , i can also put the cups inside the terrarium between the vines.
I got an exo-terra terrarium for my crickets, 1x1 feet (30cmX30cm)
I got plastic holders outsidethe terrarium wich i cupfeed to the chams when needed , i can also put the cups inside the terrarium between the vines.

Any pics? you could get some killer macro shots of the enclosures


Your not going to be able to keep very many crickets in those keepers. Over crowding will cause die offs.

I went to WalMart and bought these big black tubs. They are on sale right now for 4 bucks each, Their dimensions are about 1.2x2x2ft I cut air vents out on all 4 sides and then used liquid nails to glue in screen. The tubs have a slight texture to them so crix can climb it. I used clear packing tape and ran it around the top and around the screen (don't want the crix chewing on the liquid nails) edges. I did it like this so they can all be stacked in a custom insulated cabinet, that I will be building next month. You can keep about 1000 med sized crix in each tub.

I don't do silk worms, but might next summer, if I can find a mulberry tree to put out back.
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