feeder container ideas?!?!


New Member
i was curous if anyone had any good feeder cup ideas i have a baby veiled chameleon and her crickets always hide on her in the substrate and under the plants i have a cup i hang near her favorite basking spot and she gets a few when i put them in but they hop out after a few minute i just wanna know if anyone else has any cool designs or ideas i could try out
thank you !
My feeder 'cup' is a small dog bowl believe it or not!! LOL There's a branch over the top so Simba can perch and shoot LOL. I've also got a small branch hanging inside the cup, so if he should fall in, he can easily climb out.


I know a few people use the cups that you get at kids parties. Others use a cut up milk carton...can someone provide a pic please?

Either way, you need to make sure water doesn't gather in the bottom and that it's not see through as ur cham can damage their tongue if they shoot at the wrong side of the cup.
Either put mesh on the bottom, or in Simba's case, I have drilled a small hole in the bottom of his feeder bowl and as it's slightly tilted to the side, whenever a few drops fall in, they drip straight out the bottom ;)

Feeders will get out of the cup eventually. Especially crix, locusts etc... Roaches are easier to contain as they are rubbish climbers. I think its good tho coz the cup gives you somewhere to put the feeders and gives ur cham the chance to catch quite a few, but the ones that get out, means ur cham can hunt them down....great to watch!! :D

Good luck ;)
crickets always hide on her in the substrate

What substrate are you using??

I wouldn't use any at all, as if ur cham shoots an insect and ingests the substrate it can lead to impaction. Reptile carpets etc... can damage their delicate tongues.

Makes it easier to clean out the enclosure without substrate too.

You need to be careful with clear tubs as if your cham shoots from the wrong side, they're tongue will shoot the plastic tub which could damage their tongue.

I wouldn't want to take the risk...a couple of forum members are struggling to feed chams who have no tongue.
I've never seen them have problems with it though... They normally come to it from the vine I have positioned directly on the side of it and they shoot right from the top.
thanks these are helpful i would still love to see other peoples containers im working on something right now
This what I ended up with I still wouldn't mind seeing more people's ideas


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