Feeder cup ideas?


Established Member
what does everyone use for there feeder cup anything other than the basics I've seen aka regular cups. Please post any creative ideas, I like everything in my terrarium to look natural not just a white or clear cup. I am looking for a better way to feed crickets to my veiled.
I use the feeder cups that nick barta sells, my vieled loves his but my jackson hasnt discovered how to use it, he just stares at the crickets....but if i put the cricket on a leaf he eats it, so not sure what to do there. But anyways, he makes really nice ones, ill go find the link
I use the feeder cups that nick barta sells, my vieled loves his but my jackson hasnt discovered how to use it, he just stares at the crickets....but if i put the cricket on a leaf he eats it, so not sure what to do there. But anyways, he makes really nice ones, ill go find the link
Thank you! And yes please find the link fo me that would be greatly appreciated!
I have two kinds in my enclosure...I made a few where they can climb vertically and ran some vines across...the other one, G&G has various size rings(or wreaths) made of sticks, slid in a deli container, fits perfect. I'm sure other places like Hobby Lobby have em too.


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