Feeder Cups


New Member
Can everyone post pictures what they use for feeder cups? If it is something commercially bought, let me know the name of it too. Thanks so much :D
Very basic cup with a screen hot glued and a wire that fits thru the screen. I use the smallest cup I can without feeders getting out and put it in a corner so the drip system don't drown them.
I just use a Dole gelatin cup with holes drilled in the bottom currently.
But I have a friend (who works with resins as a hobby) fiddling around with a design in an attempt to make something a little more visually appealing since I mentioned that I couldn't find anything that I wanted when I saw her last week.
I just went to k mart, and got a small tub, about the size of a shoe bin.

I also just use cheap Tupperware.
Chinese plastic take out container. They're about 5" x 8" and about 2.5" deep. Just enough for discoids and totally stupid crickets not to be able to climb out.
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