Feeder racks and feeders


Established Member
At the request of two forum friends who are currently building feeder racks I'm re posting some Picts and info on the subject. Sorry may be boring for some here!!!

L in order to be able to get 3 tubs on your 48" rack you have to use 2 taller tubs and 1 shorter tub, 2 - 22 long x 163/4 wide. X 161/2 tall and 1 25 long x 163/4 wide x 141/2 tall. Get 1/8,1/4,1/2 & adult to start 1000 of each and never buy them again!!!
Not boring at all. You have a great set up going. Where do you find the time...I sure wish I had the space to have a set up like that. I am hoping to do dubias, and crickets. I would love to do silkworms but Im not sure if I can so for now Ill order eggs and hatch them out. I am trying BB flies right now but most hatched during shipping because I was unable to get the spikes so I'll try again next month. lol

Thanks for posting the pics.
I'm not sure who here would find such a wonderful buffet, uh I mean bug set up boring.

What is the heating pad you're using? I'm always afraid of melting the totes.

I love the use of the changing table. I have the exact same one currently holding paint cans and misc junk. It is definitely changing to bug storage...
roley poley?

Were those roley poley? If so, easy to breed? Who eats them? Basically who what when and where on those? You should get some chams for your pet insects.
Not boring at all. You have a great set up going. Where do you find the time...I sure wish I had the space to have a set up like that. I am hoping to do dubias, and crickets. I would love to do silkworms but Im not sure if I can so for now Ill order eggs and hatch them out. I am trying BB flies right now but most hatched during shipping because I was unable to get the spikes so I'll try again next month. lol

Thanks for posting the pics.

Thank You! Just buy the silkworm eggs, it's cheep and easy as (yes) Silkworms can be alot of work. If I can be of any help let me know.
I'm not sure who here would find such a wonderful buffet, uh I mean bug set up boring.

What is the heating pad you're using? I'm always afraid of melting the totes.

I love the use of the changing table. I have the exact same one currently holding paint cans and misc junk. It is definitely changing to bug storage...

Thanks Dan, in some countries these bugs are considered good eating:D but as for me :eek: I use Flexwatt Heat tape on t-stats to control temps.
Thank. You James and Crazy!! James yes they are Isopods and all my chems love them. I have 4 different types and sizes,they are very easy to keep and breed. Some breed much faster then others but all have a use for different chems. I use lots for neonate chems and they are perfect for smaller chems as well. That said my adult panthers can and will eat a cup full if I would let them :)
So now I am just L? With all the time we have together? I am getting my operation going. I have both pin heads and 1/16 inch.:D:D:D I have crickets coming in tomorrow. I have 2000 1/4, 2000 1/2, 1000 3/4 and 1000 adult. You know me I never go small.

Part of my rack problem is I only have 3 shelfs on each rack. I get 3 on top, 2 on the second shelf and 2 on the bottom.
hatchery, pinhead, 1/16, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and adult.

Top shelf: hatchery, pinhead, 1/2
Second shelf:1/16, 1/4
Third shelf: 3/4 and Adult

That will allow me to add a another breeder bin when the 3/4 are in with the adults. (sorry, I have to cya)

I am amazed how fast it is to care and feed that many crickets. Once I had you system down, it goes slick.

Thanks for all your time a patience. talk soon
The next hurdle to over one with feeder systems like this (and mine as well), is you start to have a ton of variety to deal with. For example, my guys may only get crickets once a week due to other options. This is not a bad thing, but crickets start to really stack up!!! LOL
Awesome setup! I think if I did that my husband would move out, lol. I noticed the isopods, did you catch the starters from outside or did you order them from somewhere?
So now I am just L? With all the time we have together? I am getting my operation going. I have both pin heads and 1/16 inch.:D:D:D I have crickets coming in tomorrow. I have 2000 1/4, 2000 1/2, 1000 3/4 and 1000 adult. You know me I never go small.

Part of my rack problem is I only have 3 shelfs on each rack. I get 3 on top, 2 on the second shelf and 2 on the bottom.
hatchery, pinhead, 1/16, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and adult.

Top shelf: hatchery, pinhead, 1/2
Second shelf:1/16, 1/4
Third shelf: 3/4 and Adult

That will allow me to add a another breeder bin when the 3/4 are in with the adults. (sorry, I have to cya)

I am amazed how fast it is to care and feed that many crickets. Once I had you system down, it goes slick.

Thanks for all your time a patience. talk soon

I was trying (NOT) to call you out on this until you were ready to share what (WE) have been working on for the last month. :D
Awesome setup! I think if I did that my husband would move out, lol. I noticed the isopods, did you catch the starters from outside or did you order them from somewhere?

I order mine on line as what I wanted does not exist around here and with wild caught insects there is a chance of parasites,herbicides or insecticide retention.
Thank You !!!
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Ah, that's what I figured. We have TONS of them here, but I'm too afraid to use them. I'd hate to get him sick by being cheap. Thank you. :)
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