Anyone know of places where I can get some roaches and diffrent feeders other than crickets, locusts, mealworms and waxworms in the U.K (London). I can't really order online as I don't have an account on ebay or anything like that. Thanks.
You should really get an ebay account as they are easy to set up and there is loads of people selling starter cultures of various roach species, thats how I got my roaches and now I am starting to feed off the cultures a little. Another few months and they should keep me going completely. Also you can try she sells roaches too. You can buy a tub to start a coloney or you can just buy them in a mixed species pot for using straight away as livefood. Warwick insects sells silkworms and prepared food for them too, it is best to buy eggs and bring them on as the live ones don't seem to last long in the post to me in Scotland! is their address.