
who cares if he feeds a lizard to a lizard it happens in the wild a million times a day whats the difference from killing a lizard to a crickets just because one looks nicer or its bigger, or just because people keep it as a pet? if crickets were cuter

and people kept them as pets all you people would be saying OMG thats so mean and nasty


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First off. Anoles and Chameleons arent even from the same area. they should not be used as a feeder for chams,

Vertebrates make up less than 2% of the diet of wild chameleons in the studies I've found analyzing the stomach contents of wild chams. So no, it is not that common. What happens in captivity is not a good representation of what happens in nature.

Animal protein is hard for them to digest and can also be hard on the kidneys. Causing kidney failure.

"Feeding such things like pinky-mice, fuzzies, and feeder anoles that are extremely high in fat and protein content is harmful to your chameleon's health, bones and organs that can lead to serious illnesses like gout, edema, organ failure and fatality"
Source: USER: ferretinmyshoes
The feeder anoles I believe he is asking about are for a larger animal i would think. They are very common feeders among people keeping large monitor lizards. There are also feeder geckos. They are not meant to be pet quality but only sold as feeders. Lll reptile has them and can be found in the sponsor sections.

Yeah but we have an option to eat other things so there is no point in exploring that because its irrelevant. Humans wont eat humans and especially in America where there is a McDonald in every town. Give up the argument. Feeding anoles to chameleons or whatever is just wrong, its not fair to a creature that has no clue what is going on. It is one thing in a Rainforrest but when we have control over the situation it is up to the person to do the correct thing and no be an a** for their own enjoyment. Thats disrespect to the hobby and shows you dont have respect for your chameleon by going against what is beneficial for the animal to survive. Who ever is doing it, grow up and enjoy your creature for what it is and why you bought it, dont be a punk and ruin a creatures life that you purchased because you thought it would be cool not for your own personal interest.
I agree with you that there is no reason to feed a chameleon an anole but as far as food for other pets, you are not a punk and there is no disrespect shown to animals . Anoles can be a nice addition to the diet of many large monitors and snakes and not just cool. I worked at a zoo for over 10 years and never fed them to be cool. Just wanted to clarify that.
I agree with you that there is no reason to feed a chameleon an anole but as far as food for other pets, you are not a punk and there is no disrespect shown to animals . Anoles can be a nice addition to the diet of many large monitors and snakes and not just cool. I worked at a zoo for over 10 years and never fed them to be cool. Just wanted to clarify that.

Yeah of course, some pets it is a little different, but a chameleon can barely digest that if at all without complications, thats like a human being force fed acid. Yummy. And sorry if i came off where you think i was calling you a punk, I wasnt. I meant in general with all of these kids and grown adults who do those things with their pets that they shouldn't really pisses me off and a lot of other people. Ive said this before and I will say it again, people should pass a test and have a license before they can get a Chameleon, much less a kid for that matter. But I understand, but a lot of people do feed them to be cool and to show off their chameleon. The Chameleon doesnt know what is good and what is bad for him as far as food goes. And it isnt fair for people to just give them whatever because it would be awesome to watch him eat it. Gets me all worked up lol
Agreed. after all. just because its not healthy to make pinkies part of the chams everyday diet doesnt mean you shouldnt do it for snakes. my ball python would have hated me if i gave him just crickets, dubias and assorted worms. lol.
Yeah of course, some pets it is a little different, but a chameleon can barely digest that if at all without complications, thats like a human being force fed acid. Yummy. And sorry if i came off where you think i was calling you a punk, I wasnt. I meant in general with all of these kids and grown adults who do those things with their pets that they shouldn't really pisses me off and a lot of other people. Ive said this before and I will say it again, people should pass a test and have a license before they can get a Chameleon, much less a kid for that matter. But I understand, but a lot of people do feed them to be cool and to show off their chameleon. The Chameleon doesnt know what is good and what is bad for him as far as food goes. And it isnt fair for people to just give them whatever because it would be awesome to watch him eat it. Gets me all worked up lol

So do you think it's wrong to feed baby birds to large chameleons?
Not when some poor creature is raised with his life already been decided for him, so it can be placed in a tiny cage where it's only option is death. To me that is sick.

You could say that we have raised chameleons to be placed in a small cage where it has no options but the ones we give it, ultimately to die. We have already decided the lives of our chameleons. Some people would say that keeping chameleons at all is "sick." It's all about perception.

OP, if you are feeding these to a chameleon, please research it first to make sure you do not ultimately harm the chameleon.
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