Feeding a juvenile female


I have combed through websites and forums and can’t seem to get a straight answer or clear suggestion. I have a 5-6 month old female veiled chameleon. I know due to egg laying that she needs to be cut down from her current 7-10 bugs per day feeding but I don’t want to cut her down too much too soon as she is still growing.

Should I be switching to every other day yet? Cham academy and every forum I’ve read is vague
here ya go.

As she matures you will have to start cutting back her food. By about 6 months she should be getting about 5-8 small feeders each day. At about 7 months you want to slowly reduce by cutting down feeder amounts so that she is on a feeding schedule of 3 days a week with 3 feeders. You want them to be on this schedule by the time they are 9-10 months old.

You will not ever want basking to be over 78-80 for her. Very important for females because as she ages she needs this temp no higher at basking to help control the amount of eggs she produces.

A lay bin should be added as a permanent fixture by the time they are 6 months old so they get used to it and it does not cause stress.
I have combed through websites and forums and can’t seem to get a straight answer or clear suggestion. I have a 5-6 month old female veiled chameleon. I know due to egg laying that she needs to be cut down from her current 7-10 bugs per day feeding but I don’t want to cut her down too much too soon as she is still growing.

Should I be switching to every other day yet? Cham academy and every forum I’ve read is vague
Hi. :) It’s hard at this age. We don’t want to deprive of needed nutrition for growth, but at the same time we don’t want her to lay too many eggs. I would gradually start reducing her down as @Beman suggested. If she lays eggs before reaching 7-8 months old, you can safely reduce her to 3-4 feeders, 3 days a week.
Thank you! We go on vacation next week also so I want to make sure that she has enough bugs available in between pet sitter check ins without over feeding this will help me out
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