feeding a small veiled w MDB?


New Member
I have a baby, male veiled chameleon who is very nicely recovering from MDB. He will always be special needs and has slightly malformed legs.

He is about the size of my palm, if not smaller. I had him on A/D wet food and wax worms for the first week I had him (he had a bad mushy jaw) and now, 2 weeks later, he is able to eat crickets, mealworms and wax worms. I try to rotate these three types of bugs, with crickets being the main staple, but with him being too small for hornworms or superworms, is this a good diet?

All my research keeps pointing to him needing these big 'ole worms that are the size of him. I am getting conflicting information on wax worms and mealworms being not so great, but I know he needs variety as well. I am lost as to the best way to feed him and would like to not have him slide back down the MBD slope.

I am a new cham owner and any help is very much appreciated! Thank you guys!!!
Oh, also, since I have you all here, lol. He was getting lots of Flukers liquid calcium (about 2 drops a day orally,) and now I have stopped that and added a little bit to my misting bottle. I also have been dusting his crickets.

Should I stop adding a few drops of liquid calcium to the misting bottle? Also, I've read that they need multi-vitamins, do they actually? How often should these be given?
I would get silkworms if you want to feed worms. They are high in calcium and low in fat. Yes, you should have a multi vitamin. It is recommended to give that twice a month and make sure you are feeding your crickets a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables which can be passed on to your chameleon. I do not know about the liquid calcium so I cannot comment on that.
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