Feeding an Anole


New Member
Any recommendations about getting my new Anole (brown) to eat? I think he is full grown. I usually need to grab him, get him to open his mouth, and place the cricket in his mouth. On only two occasions he ate when I rubbed the cricket on his face, which caused him to open his mouth.

Also, how much/often should I feed him? I went one cricket per day for the fist three days, and then three crickets the next day.

It seems like a Jackson's may be easier to feed.
Uh. Dont stress him out so much. I wouldn't eat either if a giant was poking and prodding me and shoving food in my face after he took me to a new place where I've never been before.
I have a brown anole around 5 years in my care and have yet to see him eat! Like pssh said, just leave him be.. he knows what to do. I feed around 20 to 30 small crickets a week, free ranged in his planted tank. Cheers!
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How long have you had him? Most anolis species are shy and skittish and take some time to acclimate to a new home. I have raised several species of anole, and only the green anoles settled in quickly.

Don't try to force feed him, your just going to stress him out more.

I usually feed brown and green anole adults 5-6 medium crickets 5 days of the week.

Free ranging crickets can be risky, but putting some cricket food in a dish will usually keep them from your lizard.
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How long have you had him? Most anolis species are shy and skittish and take some time to acclimate to a new home. I have raised several species of anole, and only the green anoles settled in quickly.
I've had him less than a week.

I usually feed brown and green anole adults 5-6 medium crickets 5 days of the week.
So is that five to six medium crickets each day, for five days of the week for a total of 25 to 30 crickets per week? Or five to six medium crickets in that entire week, spread across five feeding days in that week.

Also, how large should his cage be?
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How much time should go by between each hand fed cricket? Like hours, or minutes? He has taken three just minutes apart. And another time he took one, then spat out the second.
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