feeding at night?


New Member
I just received my new Ambilobe Panther. I put him in his enclosure and he immediately started drinking from the leaves and exploring. I decided to leave him alone for the day without feeding him.

Shall I feed him tonight when I return from work 7ish, or wait for the morning? Will PC's eat at night?

The Lights go off at 8p.

thanks for the help.
No I would not feed him until the morning. Chams need some time to bask once they eaten as it's help them digest their food. Someone more experienced will give you a more thorough answer.

I have an Ambilobe as well and feed him a few times a day as I cup feed him but don't feed after about 2-3 so he has time to digest.

Hope this helped!
What mbondy has already mentioned is correct. When my first female finished laying I fed her a waxworm and it was about 10pm. Thought nothing of it until a few days later when she pooped out the waxworm whole! It was quite disgusting!
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