Feeding Baby Veileds


New Member
I have 2, 2 and a half week old Veileds and I mist them twice a day as well as make sure they are always provided small crickets. They look very healthy and alert, their eyes are nice and bulgy but I have NEVER seen them eat or drink. The crickets seem to slowly disappear but don't want to assume they are so shy they are eating when I'm away.

What is your opinion?
I have 2, 2 and a half week old Veileds and I mist them twice a day as well as make sure they are always provided small crickets. They look very healthy and alert, their eyes are nice and bulgy but I have NEVER seen them eat or drink. The crickets seem to slowly disappear but don't want to assume they are so shy they are eating when I'm away.

What is your opinion?

they are eating when you arent looking.
I have had my male since he was 2 weeks old, hes 11 months now, ive seen him drink 3 times, and for the first 4 months, rarely saw him eat. as long as urates are white, youre good.
you may want to teach them to cup feed, then you can gauge how much they are eating,
Welcome to the forums. Wow two and 1/2 weeks old is pretty young. Where did you get babies that young? They pobably need fruit flies at that age and pin head crickets. If the crickets are too large they want be able to eat them. Don't leave crickets in the baby bin with them over night or the crickets can eat on your babies. I'm attaching my blog for you below for new keepers. It will tell you all that you need to keep these little ones alive and healthy. It has links to show you pictures of each item and where you can buy it. Most supplies that you need for a chameleon can not be found at a local pet store they have to be ordered on line.

My friend had his first ever batch of eggs hatch...most of the eggs didn't make it due to handling error unfortunately, but 5 made it. He gave me 2 and they are doing very great! I have 2 Jackson's that have always done great and they will eat and drink out of my hand if I have the time. Which of course is why this is kinda a puzzling experience for me. I have read about the fruit flies and will also give the cup feeding a shot. I just wanted to be sure these little shy guys were getting some of their needs met while I'm not looking.
I had a clutch of Veiled's and I've never seen them eat crickets. When I put fruit flys in there they would eat them right away. Still have a few left, but their fecals look brown and white so I'm not worried. I think it takes them longer to see the crickets, idk.
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