Feeding cups!

I used the bird cups like Neptune the chameleon for a while and now I have a feeder run. I liked them both and they both worked well
You don't have a link to those do you? The only ones I've found are actually much smaller than the ones she uses. I want a bigger one
Dang it I think those are the really small ones. I think I bought the other one In person at petsmart to be honest
Ooooh yeah that’s a good one! I love feeder runs and they really do keep them contained pretty well in my experience
Awesome! I really don't want them roaming the enclosure this time around lmao that was a mess. And I really want to do better in general. So, I really want to try to keep track of what he actually eats. It will be hard in the spring/fall when I have to be at work by 7am, but at least I'll have an idea as long as there aren't too many that escape.
Ok so I found this bird feeder cup. I really like this. Right now this will be holding silkworms and BSFL.


I tried to find the ones that Neptune uses but I can only find the ones I had before, that look exactly like hers but they're really small. I wanted something bigger. I just need to decide on something now for the crickets. I already have a shooting gallery, but I have the one that uses the thumb tacks and I honestly don't like it because of the method it uses to stick to the enclosure. Right now the Sunset chameleons feeder and the full throttle feeder are on the top of my list. Just gonna look around a little bit more to see if I can find anymore options. Thank you everyone :)
I think she got hers off of Amazon. I got mine in the bird section at petco
I did and they are feeding him mostly crickets and silkworms. So I got those already and some bsfl. When I get home I wanna check out those full throttle feeders. Not sure if I've seen them yet or not. Ty!
No I mean ask framschams if they were using their feeder runs they have with this baby. They may move them over to using these when they are young. If so the baby would be used to them. Cup feeding is not normally instant. Took me weeks to get my chams to eat from them and that was after a few months of understanding that my hands were the bringers of food.

This is what they have hooked on all of their cages. https://framschams.com/products/scr...oard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

Very similar concept to the shooting gallery.
Could you show me an example of the cups you're using? Because in my head I'm seeing solo cups lol but I feel you may mean something elsen
Here you go. The black ones I get from Smart & Final in the cooking tools section and the brown is called Dubia Dishes not sure where I got them. (fork for size reference I don't use that to feed chams LOL) I like because you can easily see how much supplement is in there and they hold up great in the dishwasher. Obviously my animals recognize them!

The tall cup I use for crickets is an old tupperware, but it is like the big sports drink bottles you see. So crix can't jump out, cham can put a foot on the edge, lean in and easily reach them at the bottom.


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No I mean ask framschams if they were using their feeder runs they have with this baby. They may move them over to using these when they are young. If so the baby would be used to them. Cup feeding is not normally instant. Took me weeks to get my chams to eat from them and that was after a few months of understanding that my hands were the bringers of food.

This is what they have hooked on all of their cages. https://framschams.com/products/scr...oard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

Very similar concept to the shooting gallery.
ahhh I can't believe I overlooked this lol. I really like that design. I already bought one of course. But if he doesn't take to this then I'll just get one of these. I seriously searched my butt off and the answer was right in my face.
No I mean ask framschams if they were using their feeder runs they have with this baby. They may move them over to using these when they are young. If so the baby would be used to them. Cup feeding is not normally instant. Took me weeks to get my chams to eat from them and that was after a few months of understanding that my hands were the bringers of food.

This is what they have hooked on all of their cages. https://framschams.com/products/scr...oard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

Very similar concept to the shooting gallery.
I'm actually going to get this. I think having familiarity for him is super important, and I honestly just really like this one. I'm asking if they can ship one with him somehow :). I cancelled my other one. Thank you!!!
I'm actually going to get this. I think having familiarity for him is super important, and I honestly just really like this one. I'm asking if they can ship one with him somehow :). I cancelled my other one. Thank you!!!
Sounds good it will make it easier for him to adjust at least with this being the same.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, 1. I hate crickets lol 2. They are really jumpy , revert back to no1 . Anyway I sometimes put crickets in a a fridge/ freezer bag and pop them in the fridge for a bit ( just a minute or 2) obviously 😜 make sure the bag is secure, to slow them down, before putting them into a feeder cup ,run . Usually by the time they have warmed up its to late. Nah but seriously i put some food in the feeder also so when they do warm up , they are more inclined to Stay there for a bit , personally the only feeder I would free range is my locusts ( other than black soldier flies and hopefully silkmoths) to add enrichment and natural hunting and exercise
Not sure if this has been mentioned, 1. I hate crickets lol 2. They are really jumpy , revert back to no1 . Anyway I sometimes put crickets in a a fridge/ freezer bag and pop them in the fridge for a bit ( just a minute or 2) obviously 😜 make sure the bag is secure, to slow them down, before putting them into a feeder cup ,run . Usually by the time they have warmed up its to late. Nah but seriously i put some food in the feeder also so when they do warm up , they are more inclined to Stay there for a bit , personally the only feeder I would free range is my locusts ( other than black soldier flies and hopefully silkmoths) to add enrichment and natural hunting and exercise
Yeah they're free ranging our boy right now haha but he's in a smaller enclosure of course. I won't be doing that because I want to keep track of what he's eating as good as I can. I ended up buying the feeder from their site that @Beman suggested! Side note: I still need to find a smaller cup for the other bugs. I received the one I ordered from amazon today and ...... it's way smaller than I was under the impression of. It could work but I don't like it.

So I am gonna try to find those bird bowls that Neptune uses, again. Worse comes to worse, I do have things I can use. I just have a vision in mind.
Yeah they're free ranging our boy right now haha but he's in a smaller enclosure of course. I won't be doing that because I want to keep track of what he's eating as good as I can. I ended up buying the feeder from their site that @Beman suggested! Side note: I still need to find a smaller cup for the other bugs. I received the one I ordered from amazon today and ...... it's way smaller than I was under the impression of. It could work but I don't like it.

So I am gonna try to find those bird bowls that Neptune uses, again. Worse comes to worse, I do have things I can use. I just have a vision in mind.
Hi I'm not sure what you mean by ( yeah there free ranging our boy right now) or I want to keep track of what he's eating? . I cup feed / run feed all my insects ( for my 4.5 month old panther bso I keep track of how much he eats but also free range some locusts and what I mentioned for enrichment. My boy has eaten around 20 insects today from feeder half in the morning the other half in the afternoon, between my 2 feeder cup/ runs , so I know he has enough but also h ave free range a couple locusts for hunting of
Hi I'm not sure what you mean by ( yeah there free ranging our boy right now) or I want to keep track of what he's eating? . I cup feed / run feed all my insects ( for my 4.5 month old panther bso I keep track of how much he eats but also free range some locusts and what I mentioned for enrichment. My boy has eaten around 20 insects today from feeder half in the morning the other half in the afternoon, between my 2 feeder cup/ runs , so I know he has enough but also h ave free range a couple locusts for hunting of
By free ranging I mean the breeder is putting the crickets on his plant and letting him eat them as they climb up. But they have him in a smaller enclosure.

I don't want to do that because I want to make sure he's eating everything. I want to be able to know how many of each bug he's eating for now until he gets bigger. I don't want to really free range any bugs except maybe when I give him a hornworm as a treat.
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