Feeding fruit and veggies


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Hi I have a 3 month old velied. Just wondering the best way to feed them? IE how to chop them where to put them on bowls or on the branches ? Thanks
Most younger veileds need higher protein to veggie ratio because of the amount they grow. So they will likely show less interest in veggies/fruits, however to get a veiled to show any interest most people need to show their chameleon it's food. So they usually put worms in a bowl with some veggies and if the veiled snaps it up with the worm they usually realize it's food afterward and eat it from there on. I would chop it up in small bite sized pieces.
You can also gutload all the vegetables n fruits with ur feeders,so ur young veiled cham will have a taste of those goodies in his digestive system,and usually when he gets older he will prefer the vegetables in his diet,u can always try if not then do the gutloading,what he eats will reflect on his body health conditions for sure.
Hi I have a 3 month old velied. Just wondering the best way to feed them? IE how to chop them where to put them on bowls or on the branches ? Thanks

Babies need good healthy gut-loaded insects. I give my veiled a plant that is healthy to eat and let him choose to eat it or not. A ficus or a pothos is not a very good food source because of oxalates in the pothos and irritating sap but an hibiscus is a healthy food (the ornamental variety that is kept indoors not the hardy kind as they are toxic). You can also do things like plant little pots of edible plants like nasturtium and just attach them to the branches.

Reptiles that as adults rely heavily on plant material for food don't eat much plant material as babies.
I would like to ask that what if the veileds is not so young?
My friend had recently brought a veileds and the veileds is not young and has the habit of eating only worms?
What should be done?
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