New Member
I just got my Chameleon, Leo, 3 days ago. The people at Petsmart couldn’t tell me a whole lot about him as far as age goes, the best they could do was “guess” that he’s around a year old. I asked what they typically fed him & they said just crickets. I asked how often & one person told me twice a day, another told me every other day. So I’m not exactly sure what type of feeding schedule he’s been on. His first bm was normal but the urate was completely orange! From what I’ve read I am assuming he was pretty dehydrated. Today he had his 2nd bm & the urate was completely white so I’m taking that as a good sign. Being new to this I’ve read lots of things online & watched multiple videos but I’m still not sure what to do about feeding him. How often? Am I giving enough, or too much possibly? Today he ate about 10 to 12 crickets in total. The day before he ate about 5, & the day he came home with me he had maybe 2 or 3. Is he overeating? Should I feed him daily, or spread the feedings out? How many crickets should he have per feed?