feeding mealworms?? HOW


New Member
What is the best way to feed a chameleon mealworms? I made a tray out of a silk leaf which has rolled edges, but the worms just crawl off before Mr. Echo sees them? I have seen the cup with holes but I figure they will just drop out? Any suggestions?

Thx Diego
Nowadays I just use little plastic food storage cups to feed out of. Anything with slick walls will keep mealworms in.

These containers are nice because they are lightweight and can be wedged into all sorts of places in the cages for the chameleons- like in forks in branches for example.
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That's what I use, too. Plastic containers, like yogurt cups, tubs from reptiworms, etc. I use small neodymium magnets to hold them in place, works great. I throw all my worms, except silks or hornworms in the cup. I put silks or hornworms on a nearby branch.
I reuse the containers the worms come in and then hot glue a piece of dowel rod to the bottom so i can shove it in a plant, like this.


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I use a clear plastic cup so that the cham can see that there's food in there from every direction. You can also put a little bit of vegetable oil around the edge of the cup to prevent the worms from being able to climb out. Stick your finger into vegetable oil and trace the circumference of the cup, a little ways below the top edge. You don't want it exactly on the top edge because the chams tend to stand on the edge, and they'll get the oil all over their feet (although not harmful). So I put it slightly below the edge of the cup so they're not standing on it as they're leaning into the cup.
I was going to use a clear cup but I read somewhere on this forum not to? I thought maybe because the chameleon would try and tounge the worm through the plastic and this might hurt them? I will find a shallow plastic cup to use. Thanks for all the help.

thx Ted
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