feeding my two baby vailed


New Member
I have two baby vailed no bigger than my pinky finger and I feed them 2 week old crickets but it just doesn't seem like they want to eat. What do I do to get them to eat?
Do you have acess to fruit flys? That might do the trick. How old are the veiled? You might also be using crickets that are too small.
hatchlings shouldn't be eating 2 week old crickets..... that is kinda big. You should be looking for pin heads. Make sure you are keeping them warm even at night. Don't use heat lamps at night to keep them warm. If ambient temps drop too low use a ceramic heat emitter.
I have had them for one week and when i got the they ate the crickets but now they don't seem to eat. i had them in a glass terrarium but now have changed them to a screen one. i also was lettint the crickets roam free but someone told me to put then in the bottom if a big gulp cup so i did. what should i do
Do they look ok? If so just get smaller crix. At their age the cup is a bad idea unless you need it to hold several days' food because you are going away from home.

Assuming they are not starving to death here is what you do: Set up a new enclosure with zero insects inside, transfer the 2 chams into the new cage, don't feed them for 12-24 hours, then pour like 5 small crix inside. The crix should be about the size of the chams eyeball lengthwise. That should break the hunger strike.
I have had them for one week and when i got the they ate the crickets but now they don't seem to eat. i had them in a glass terrarium but now have changed them to a screen one. i also was lettint the crickets roam free but someone told me to put then in the bottom if a big gulp cup so i did. what should i do

Maybe they don't like the feeding cup? Try counting how many crickets you put in the cage and making sure they are all gone or taken out by the time lights out.
How deep is the cup? if it is too deep and they can't climb into it, they won't be able to shoot down far enough to get food. The cup should only be maybe 5" deep.... and be sure to put the cup near where they migh bask. This will help them see the bugs.

I would put them back into a glass tank and provide a lot of sticks to walk on and plants to hide in. the smaller the space they are in at a young age the easier it is to monitor their food intake and their poop and urates.
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