feeding newborns?


Established Member
Whats a good amount of fruit flies to feed newly hatched veileds per day. Mostly used pinheads in the past so im new to the fruit flies. and are the hydei better because they are larger?
I have a chameleon book that said not to feed my cham blue bottle flies but it didn't state why... Does anyone know anything about this?
Blue bottles are about 1/2" long and are too big for neonates. For fruit flies, with panther hatchlings, I sprinkle some in a red party cup with a little calcium powder in the bottom and swirl it around. Once they are lightly dusted they cant climb the cup as easily. I usualy sprinkle some around in the baby bin and make sure they are not getting stressed out from the flies crawling all over them. Feed as many as they can eat in 5-10 minutes a couple times a day. You will be able to gauge how many you should put in with them after the first couple of times. Should be the same with newly hatched veilds.
I have a chameleon book that said not to feed my cham blue bottle flies but it didn't state why... Does anyone know anything about this?

You should not feed wild caught bb flies. They eat garbage and rotting flesh so that is what you are giving to your cham.
You can buy cultured blue bottle flies or pupae and feed them powered buttermilk and suger, beeswax, etc and they make awesome feeders. They are perfect feeders for 3-4 month old babies and adults since they are pretty good size.
hmm... this thread got me thinking.
If wild flies are not good because they eat rotten flesh and bad stuff...
why this does not affect wild chameleons?

also... is there a way to breed flies?
if there is.... what would be used as food and breeding like?

Wild chams are usually full of parasites and other fun things. Thats partly why most WC need hundreds of dollars worth of vet visits to get healthy.
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