Feeding schedule


New Member
With the exception of my cats, all my other pets are nocturnal. The kids go to bed, I feed all the geckos. So I'm just wondering when exactly i should be feeding the chameleon. I know he is eating because the bugs dissappear and he is pooping. however, only twice in two weeks have I seen him eat. He certainly doesn't go for it as soon as I put them it. Should I be feeding him at the start of the day? or wait untill the lights have been on for a while and he's warmed up? What does everyone else do?

With the exception of my cats, all my other pets are nocturnal. The kids go to bed, I feed all the geckos. So I'm just wondering when exactly i should be feeding the chameleon. I know he is eating because the bugs dissappear and he is pooping. however, only twice in two weeks have I seen him eat. He certainly doesn't go for it as soon as I put them it. Should I be feeding him at the start of the day? or wait untill the lights have been on for a while and he's warmed up? What does everyone else do?


I remember reading that since the temps should be dropping at night, that their metabolism slows to a crawl. Once the day starts and they warm their bodies they began to metabolize food at a normal rate again. So by that logic, feeding them in the early part of the day would probably make more sense.

Someone with more experience and know how will probably chime in.
I feed my chameleons about an hour after their lights come on. Sometimes they get lunch as well. Best not to feed them for a couple hour before light off, so that they have chance to digest.
Feeding time.

Hi. Lights come on 0800 and cages are misted(Nosy Be Panthers).
I feed about 10:00 if I am not at work, or late afternoon if I am at work.
A second feeding around dinner time. I try not to feed close to 'bed time'.
I find my panthers enjoy basking shortly after eating. I also like to see
the crickets 'cleaned up' before lights out if possible. Not sure if the
chams care but I feel better. At bed time I'm feeding geckos also.
thanks. 1-2 hours after lights on then. you mist as soon as the lights come on then do you? i wasn't sure on that either.
thanks. 1-2 hours after lights on then. you mist as soon as the lights come on then do you? i wasn't sure on that either.

I let mine warm up for an hour or two first. You can tell once they are warmed, they kind of tell you.

Then mist em down with some nice hot water. I mean, wouldn't you want to stay hot after your first warm up for the day?

When the water is hot, my baby panther tends to enjoy being misted directly. When cold or room temp, he runs like it's the plague.
The lights come on. About half an hour later I stagger (not a morning person) in and get their drippers going (warm water). The drippers are conveniently located near the basking area, so they are already close by and usually will drink right away. I go away and get myself ready for the day. I come back some time (about half an hour) later and put prey in, and add more water to the drippers, and mist the cage a bit.
Its a number of hours (how many depends on the day) before I return, empty water collection pans, start the drippers again, maybe mist again, maybe feed again. Lights out is another couple hours after that.
Feeding Time

Hi. Long day at work! To expand a little... At 0800 the lights come
on. Around this time I mist heavily, often the chams drink right away.
Within the hour they move up into the branches, sometimes to the
basking spot(cage is 3'x2'x4'). They are fed at this time. A second
feeding occurs around dinner time. I mist again in the afternoon and
early evening. The room were the Chams are has a 65 gallon aquarium
and a bench with tropical orchids so the humidity never falls below
65%. I use room temp. water, lights out at 2200hrs.
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