Feeding times?

Hmm I don't know where did you hear that (I also heard not to feed past 1pm??). Not true.

I feed mine very early in the morning, about 6:30am. I cup feed so I leave about 10 insects (usually crickets) for the whole day. I feed again one or two mealworms (by hand) at night when I get back from work (around 6pm).

I guess my suggestion would be feed once in the morning and once in the afternoon (I would suggest maybe the latest around 5pm). Adults are different, once a day or every other day its fine.
What you need to know is that you shouldn't be feeding late in the day, near the time when the lights go out. Chameleons need the heat to digest their food, so if you feed too close to lights out, it won't be able to digest its meal. Most say to leave 3 hours of basking time to digest. I feed once in the morning though, so it isn't a problem.
Hmm I don't know where did you hear that (I also heard not to feed past 1pm??). Not true.

I feed mine very early in the morning, about 6:30am. I cup feed so I leave about 10 insects (usually crickets) for the whole day. I feed again one or two mealworms (by hand) at night when I get back from work (around 6pm).

I guess my suggestion would be feed once in the morning and once in the afternoon (I would suggest maybe the latest around 5pm). Adults are different, once a day or every other day its fine.

I do the same thing I cup feed but I have a 4 month old and he is tiny still so I put in about 5 mediums around 10ish and he snags 2 right away then he picks the others off later in the day.
You can cut out the bottom and replace it with screen. That way water wont stand in the cup and drown your feeders after a misting. Oh and the cup should be opaque or colored not clear.
Anyone mind tossing me a pic? Wouldn't something that is high enough to hold crickets be to high for a Cham to see small worms?
actually crickets can be contained in a surprisingly low cup, once they stop jumping around, they are in there. my feeding dish is only about 2" tall. give it a try, you'll see.

just be sure to use a smooth material, like plastic, that they can't climb.
i feed mine around 11 or so. i put about a dozen crix in a cup and he snags a few right away and as the get out throughout the day he hunts them down. ive heard clear cups work the best so they can see them but if he knows that the cup has food it shouldnt matter too much. heres a pic of what i use. 1/4 sized crickets seem to have a hard time getting out if they're calm and not jumpy. if you're worried about small worms alot of people cut a hole about half the size of the cup and fasten or hot glue a sponge to it so it doesnt fill with water and can water the feeders even.


  • downsized_0413001455.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 105
I use a small bird seed cup. The wire hangers fit right through the screen without damage and it will hold about 10 crickets 1/2" size without issue. A few jump out but not many. They cost about $1 at any pet mega-mart.

The one in the picture is about 2 inches deep and I place it on the opposite end of the cage from the mister to avoid getting the bugs wet.

i feed mine around 11 or so. i put about a dozen crix in a cup and he snags a few right away and as the get out throughout the day he hunts them down. ive heard clear cups work the best so they can see them but if he knows that the cup has food it shouldnt matter too much. heres a pic of what i use. 1/4 sized crickets seem to have a hard time getting out if they're calm and not jumpy. if you're worried about small worms alot of people cut a hole about half the size of the cup and fasten or hot glue a sponge to it so it doesnt fill with water and can water the feeders even.

Usually people try to stay away from the clear cups because the chameleon may try to catch the feeder through the cup and can injure his tongue. So make sure that he isn't trying this or you switch to a non transluscent cup. :)
As far as cup feeding goes, I just cut a red solo cup in half and suspend it with a vine off to the side so I can spray around it. I definitely wouldn't use a clear cup since I have seen him shoot his tongue into the clear plastic side of his cricket keeper.


  • sulley24.jpg
    88.6 KB · Views: 129
id take them out if she doesnt seem intersted. just let the cham settle in a bit longer. make sure theres lots of opportunity to get water. drinking is more important than eating right away. you can try to just place a cricket on the cage & let it climb up to where the cham is. if the cham is settled & hungry itll snag the feeder right away. then proceed with the cup feeding. honestly i stand behind free ranging crix depending on how big the cham is in relation to the enclosure. just try to give it as much privacy as possible for the time being & itll get hungry. good luck
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