Feeding young Jackson's Chameleons


New Member
I just got my first Jackson's chameleon. He is a juvenile and in a pretty big cage for his size. I put a few crickets in the cage but I am wondering if he will find them at all. I tried hand feeding but he gets too stressed out. How do I make sure he gets to eat?


-Nick S.
You could try cup feeding - hang an opaque tub or container below his favourite vine or branch so he can look down into it and see the bugs. The tub doesn't need to be huge, just deep enough that the crix or whatever can't jump out. Other owners have made feeders out of empty milk cartons and a small section of screen. If the tub is always in the same place he will know where to go for food.

How old is your little guy? Is that him in your avatar pic?
Awww, he looks to be about the same size as mine who is 8 months old. Yours may be a little younger though as his legs aren't as sturdy looking as Monty's. I love how his horn turns up! He looks so cute! Due to his small size, I would agree with cup feeding so he can find food easily! Mine either cup or hand feeds.
Aw he's a handsome one! :)
What worked for me and my little one i'm raising at the moment is I cup fed but offered a mealworm every other day or two. I didn't hold it in my fingers just let it crawl on my palm. Something about that made her more comfortable. She'll eat a mealworm from my hand no problem but crickets she turns around. Hope that helps :)
I still use cup/bottle feeding for my Jackson's. I do let other things like flies and worms go in his cage, he eats both of those items quickly, but for crickets I use a cup to feed.
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