
Meal worms are not good for your chameleon. Try small crickets, silk worms or super worms. Gutload it what your crickets or worms should be eating before you feed them to your cham. I buy mine already made at cricketfood.com.

Check out this website below it will help you greatly in raising your chameleon.

thanks and im going to keep putting 2 a day in until these arrive. Anything else you recommened to feed in case this dosnt work out positivly with the crickets
Horn worms are ok every now and then and Luie likes flies. You can buy silk worms and horn worms at coastalsilkworms.com
Also, I would not leave crickets in the cage with your cham at night. They can eat on your cham while he's sleeping. Jann
the best alternative to crickets would be Blaptica Dubia roaches, But you can use Superworms aka Zoophobas. They look like Giant mealworms, but are darker in color, and alot stronger when they wiggle around. They are easy to gutload as well.

Gutloading is when you are giving your chams feeder insects nourishing foods, so that the chameleon can then ingest those nutrients. There is a whole list of foods available to your feeders. Just google Cricket gutload and that should giv eyou plenty of information. :)
While your cham is still young you should try to start cup feeding, this way you can leave feeders in the cage for extended periods of time.
Are we talking about a baby veil here? You need the right sized crickets/ prey items. I'm gonna guess your trying to feed him/her large crickets, when you should have 1 week olds or small 2 week old crickets. What may be common sense to a experienced keeper, is not always obvious to a newcomer. I'm assuming the mealworms your feeding are smaller, and closer to the appropriate size insects you should be offering.
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