Fellow Brits

I Have been looking around the forum for the last couple of days and notice that the majority of the members are American, I was just wondering how many fellow Brits frequent these boards?

I would also like to know if you are a Brit how do you house your Chameleons as our climate is not suitable for screen or free range. I am using a glass Exo Terra (45cm/45cm/60cm) at the moment but was wondering if I should stay with the glass or move on to wood when my Cham needs a bigger home.

Hi - just a short distance away in St Helens....

I am also worried about temperature here and when winter does hit it will be a challenge - being new to cham care. (5 month old Panther)
I have a (very) large DIY glass case and figured I couldv etter manage a temperature gradient like this.
Until I found this forum I was confident things were good but now I'm starting to wonder.
On the face of it I have 90F on the basking spot (dropping to 70F at night) with areas of 70F around the different parts of the case and these drop to about 65F at night.
This is with a heating mat at the "hot end" and here is my problem.
I tried with the mat off and used more lights to produce heat from above but apart from spending a lot of money on lamps nothing really changed and the temperature dropped too low.

Basically George is very active and hunts for hours each day when not basking.
He is happy outside and runs out when the door is open and loves exploring.
He does go off to sleep early evening even when the lighting changed, but I figue he is a teenager :D

Its also expensive to get good quality food and supplements here as I'm sure you know.
So all in all the UK is an additional challenge.

My temps are ok at the moment I'm just having problem with water build up a bottom of Viv. I have just invested in some hydro halls to see it they help.

For decent priced food try livefoods.co.uk or silkwormstore.co.uk.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
If I can help out any fellow Brits who can't get something shipped from the US, I'm happy to have stuff shipped here and forward it on to you, but you'll have to cover postage because it's HIGH! Only good for stuff you are really desperate for... But always happy to help!
Hi fellow Brits. Me and Norman (nosy faly) are from Portsmouth. He lives in a exotera. Just waiting for a mist king for him.
We are in the uk :) my 8 month old panther is in a reptibreeze all screen cage, a 100w basking clamp light and T5 UBV fitted to the top, a live ficus tree and a dripper going most of the day, i spray 3 times a day, 2-5 mins in the morning, a long shower in the afternoon, and another 2-3 min mist about 2-3 hours before lights out, my temps and humidity are absolutely fine, no probs at all :)
Hiya!! This post is old but I thought I could leave some info about my set up too.
I live in the southeast of Scotland, near Edinburgh, my viv is a mesh one 18"x18"x36" size for my two months old male veiled cham. :)
Hope it helps!
I'm from Edinburgh but have been in the USA for over 15 years- metro Atlanta area. I imagine that if you use central heating in your house to maintain fairly constant temps it would be ok to keep chams in the UK. It was pretty cold much of the year in Scotland and since the cost of using the central heating system my parents' flat had was exorbitantly high, we almost never used it and parts of the house could get pretty cold at times. Not good for keeping reptiles. In some parts of Scotland there are venomous Adders (in the viper family) but they are very rare, and the UK has only 6 species of reptiles that are native in any case, it's just too cold for most of them to do well. No feral Jacksons in Scotland's trees!
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