Female Ambilobe gravid again??


New Member
Hi all. So approximately 3 weeks ago, my year-old Ambilobe female laid her second clutch of infertile eggs (31 in total). She laid her first clutch before I bought her, and laid this second clutch perfectly in her egg-bin.

She displayed some pretty striking gravid colours before she laid the clutch.

About a week ago, I started to introduce her to my 2 year old male. She was more than happy, staying a nice bright pink colour. My male on the other hand showed no real interest whatsoever; he fired-up his colours a bit, but that was it. ..No mating went on.

Over the last couple of days, my female has gone back to her gravid colours (I've attached a pic). I'm slightly confused; I didn't think she could lay again so soon? Could she be getting ready to lay another clutch this quickly? And if so, would this be the reason why my boy doesn't seem to be interested at all?

Thanks a lot in advance.
So today my female laid another clutch of eggs (30+) in her laying bin. That's two clutches in less than two months..!

I'm 99% sure the eggs wil be infertile again, as every times I've introduced her to my male, there didn't seem to be any romance going on. However, I've aired on the side of caution, and kept the eggs just in case; I guess I'll know soon enough whether they're fertile or not.

My question now is how long should I leave her before introducing her to my male again? What point will she be most fertile / receptive?

Thanks again.
When your male and female were together how did the female react to the male? Did she hiss, turn dark, rock back and forth, lunge at the male? How did the male reaction to her?
She reacted fine to the male; stayed nice and pink, and even kept approaching him. It's the boy that didn't seem interested!

I did try mating by putting her in to his viv, just because it's twice the size. Maybe that put him off..??
Wouldn't have thought so. She is fed with a couple of large locust, four / five morio worms, or about 10 mealworms a day. I try and give them both a 'starve day' once a week too.

Wil females sometimes lay multiple clutches of unfertilised eggs, similar to fertilised?

I'm not really concerned, because she is acting totally fine, eating and drinking as normal. I suppose I was more just...intrigued to see her lay another large clutch off eggs only a matter of weeks since the last.

I do dust their food with calcium pretty much every meal, and once a week with a chameleon multi-vitamin powder. I wonder if this may have had any effect?
Maybe not related but I do not feed adult chams everyday but every other day. They seem to enjoy food better and stay healthy. I also think multi vits may be better once a month instead.
Hope someone can give you an idea about the eggs. I guess if a chameleon wants to breed nothing will stop it in the same way there are females that do not have eggs at all.
If your male panther is not interested, I know some keepers show them another male or sometimes their own reflection in the mirror.
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