Female Blue Bar Panther is Pink and really active


New Member
My female blue bar panther chameleon (age 6moths) has turned pink and is constantly crawling around her cage (she’s fallen a few times, as she likes to climb the screen-walls and ceiling). I am concerned that she is possibly looking to mate, as a result she is overly concerned with exploring her cage, has not eaten as much as she used too and is falling more often. I feel that her readiness to mate is the issue because I also have another chameleon (male) housed next to her cage. The cages are divided by a plastic sheet, of which is not transparent. One day the divider fell and the two sat and watched each other for about 8 hours (until I noticed the fallen divider and replaced it). As I have only been a chameleon owner for ~ 5 months I am not sure if my female’s behavior is temporary, if this is part of her natural developmental process, or if allowing her an attempt at mating will appease her.

Please let me know if this is normal, any and all advice is much appreciated!
It sounds like she is receptive. Mine is like that when she wants to mate, she's like an unstoppable force wanting to get into the next cage over, which also houses a male with a visual divider.

If you were planning on breeding, now would be the best time to introduce them and see how it goes. But she will move past this stage on her own and settle down again, so since she's still so young I would just let her deal with it. She may go on to produce an infertile clutch though, so make sure you have a laying bin ready for her in case :)
I wouldn't breed her since she is so young and probably still growing. If you want to breed, wait until she is older/done growing.
if she is receptive you may want to cut down on the amount you feed her, and give her a lower basking/ambient temp. Since she is so young, you will want to reduce her chances of turning gravid

dont breed her. definitely too young
Thanks for all the advice! im definitively going to wait some time before I introduce her to the male.
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