Female Chameleon Digging!


New Member
Does anyone know of any good books or websites where I can get some solid info on female chameleons and egg laying? My chameleon started digging and i would love to learn what to do and what to be aware of.

If anyone has any tips let me know!
This is what was linked to me when me girl was gravid:


They also say not to disturb her, not even watch her, while she is digging as it may cause her to abandon the hole. Give her complete privacy. After she's finished laying, give her plenty of water and calcium dusted crickets. If she falls asleep in the hole while digging (if she digs during lights out), just leave her be. Mine was still filling her hole around 6 and I turned of the lights. She finished filling it and fell asleep on it.

I gave mine a nice warm spray from the water bottle to remove any dirt on her.

Im probably missing a few things and im sure more will chime in. :) gluck
Someone beat me to the laying bin set up! And i meant that i did all the spraying and after care the next morning when I turned on the lights and she woke up.
Which incubation medium are you going to use? I use vermiculite that I get from my local home improvement store in the garden center. I am not as anal as other about the water to medium mix. I put the vermiculite in a container and microwave it to sterilize it. I then add enough water to soak the medium. I then pick up handfuls and squeeze out as much moisture as I can and use this as my incubation medium. This is not and exact science but it has worked for just about every creature I have hatched and at this point in my life has got to be nearing the thousands. How are you going to incubate them? I have a home made incubator with a herpstat thermostat controlling the temps. This is about all. Don't mess with the eggs once this process starts make sure the vermiculite stays moist throughout the entire process. Good luck and enjoy the wait. It seems to take forever. I just realized that you only asked about egg laying!! sorry, the above info may help anyway.
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