Retired Moderator
So Annie laid a nice clutch of 13 eggs on 4/3/13. All went just as it should, she got into her bin, laid eggs, climbed back into the trees and all was well. SHE has forgotten everything!! First she got the size of a house and would not lay. I gave her 2 shots of oxytocin. A couple days later, on 7/18 she laid a nice retained clutch if 8 eggs. I was happy all was well. Wrong, on 7/20 she laid 2 more at the base on a tree. Then yesterday she laid 4 more on the floor of her cage. She has a five gallon laying bin that worked before. Now both she and I are confused. So far the retained clutch in 14 eggs, one larger than the first clutch. Could someone talk to her please??