Female is just so confused


Retired Moderator
So Annie laid a nice clutch of 13 eggs on 4/3/13. All went just as it should, she got into her bin, laid eggs, climbed back into the trees and all was well. SHE has forgotten everything!! First she got the size of a house and would not lay. I gave her 2 shots of oxytocin. A couple days later, on 7/18 she laid a nice retained clutch if 8 eggs. I was happy all was well. Wrong, on 7/20 she laid 2 more at the base on a tree. Then yesterday she laid 4 more on the floor of her cage. She has a five gallon laying bin that worked before. Now both she and I are confused. So far the retained clutch in 14 eggs, one larger than the first clutch. Could someone talk to her please??
I wish you and Annie the best of luck on this, I no nothing about this part of chameleon life......but I bet they will be awfully cute after they hatch.
hmmmm.... maybe she is secretly practicing to be the Easter bunny, practice makes perfect :p at least she did not pull a Julie on you !!! ;) I will talk to Anne, if you talk to Olive, she is as big as a convention hall now- she passed house long ago ! :mad:
I wish you and Annie the best of luck on this, I no nothing about this part of chameleon life......but I bet they will be awfully cute after they hatch.
I could sent you some of the eggs she just keeps dropping. We can break you in nicely & babies would entertain Steve.

it sound like you two need to have a mother/daughter chat.

but seriously, good luck!
Like most kids, she doesn't listen to a word I say.:(

hmmmm.... maybe she is secretly practicing to be the Easter bunny, practice makes perfect :p at least she did not pull a Julie on you !!! ;) I will talk to Anne, if you talk to Olive, she is as big as a convention hall now- she passed house long ago ! :mad:

Did you just call Olive way fat? A convention hall? past a house? Just put her in a box like you did Julie, I will have babies when the box arrives.:D
Lynda she is a quad. She was lots bigger with the retained clutch and she just looked very ready to lay. I texted pictures to a couple of the other quad guys and they told me it was oxytocin. I got the shots from the vet and gave them to her on two consecutive days apart. She was so big I could count the outlines of six eggs. I was worried I might lose her, if I did not step in and help. I still think it was the correct thing to do - but I don't really know. I am worried about her dropping the eggs. She dropped another one today. Do you think I caused this? That would be awful.
Laurie, i woulda done the same thing ;)

Time for a different lay bin...Since she has a room, maybe try a watering trough, sand and a tree in the middle.
Laurie, i woulda done the same thing ;)

Time for a different lay bin...Since she has a room, maybe try a watering trough, sand and a tree in the middle.

I may try shipping her fat little butt out to you!! Yet another one to day. 15 eggs so far.
Laurie....i wasn't meaning that you were wrong to have given the oxytocin. It's hard to know when to do it. I just meant that maybe if she wasn't quite ready it could explain why she's dropping eggs still.

Wish I knew what to tell you. I would try what ataraxia said.
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My fat little quad girl won't lay her second clutch either. Think I'll try a sandier mix tomorrow, she has no interest in the bin she used last time.:confused:
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