Female Jackson Chameleon


New Member
So I've had my Female Jackson Chameleon for about 6 months now and shes been doing good for the most part. I recently have upgraded her enclosure to a 24x24x36" screen enclosure. Since I've done that I've noticed shes been closing her eyes lately. Obviously I became concerned. Shes been drinking so I'm not so worried as in her being dehydrated. But I have upgraded from a coil 5.0 uvb bulb to a 18" tube 5.0 uvb bulb.

Any clues?

I'll add some pics of her new enclosure and of her.

Thanks ahead of time.



What's the distance of the 5.0 tube to where she basks? Could you add more foliage to block some rays? If it's a brand new bulb it could just be to strong. Just taking an educated guess.
What's the distance of the 5.0 tube to where she basks? Could you add more foliage to block some rays? If it's a brand new bulb it could just be to strong. Just taking an educated guess.

About 5 or so inches. I did take that into consideration, maybe I'll see what I can do about blocking some more of the rays.
About 5 or so inches. I did take that into consideration, maybe I'll see what I can do about blocking some more of the rays.

The 5.0 is good up to about 10" or so. Maybe just drop the basking spot a couple of inches. I'm sure others will chime in. Good luck! Keep us posted!
If you have a little piece of mesh screen, you could put it between the light and the enclosure for a month or two until the light gets older. This would reduce the intensity and allow you to adjust as the bulb intensity diminishes.
If you have a little piece of mesh screen, you could put it between the light and the enclosure for a month or two until the light gets older. This would reduce the intensity and allow you to adjust as the bulb intensity diminishes.

I may have to do this also. I raised the light about 3" or so to see if it makes any difference, I'll put a peice of screen over the screen to see if I can't block some more rays. I appreciate it all.
so it seems shes still acting slow and closing her eyes... Im starting to think it maybe parasites... Im beginning to worry. She hasn't ate in a couple days. She drinks a couple drops and goes back to closing her eyes. Any ideas? I have repti boost, but I don't want to resort or force feeding...


These were taken this morning. For as long as ive had her I haven't been able to get her to gain any weight. Shes always been around this size.
Another thing. Since I've upgraded to this 5.0 tube uvb shes been doing this. I had a 5.0 screw in bulb in her last enclosure and she didnt do this. possible issue?
I see two basking bulbs in her enclosure and strongly suspect that it is too hot and too dry for her.
I seriously doubt that she would be reacting poorly to a 5.0 UVB bulb, as that is what most people here use.

Copying, pasting and filling in the answers to all the questions in this linked post https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/
will allow others to look at your care and see if everything is as it should be to keep your cham healthy.
The more complete your answers, the more helpful and accurate the answers can be.
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Jackson Chameleon, Female, 8-10months. Ive had her for 5 months.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Maybe twice a week for about 5 mins.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? Crickets and Superworms What amount? She may eat 1-2 crickets per feeding, or 1 superworm. What is the schedule? I try to feed her daily but she usually will only eat once every other day or every 2 days. How are you gut-loading your feeders? Apples, carrots, strawberry, lettuce all mushed up and put into their container.
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? All Repti-cal products. calcium 2 times a week, d3 1-2 times a month along with multivitamin
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? Dripper 2 times a day, 1-2 drops a second. I mist 2-4 times a day for 1-2 mins at a time, I also turn on a repti fogger for 10 mins after each misting. She usually drinks 1-2 times per dripping.
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? Brown in color, sometimes jelly like consistency, slight yellow tint to her urinate.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. I got her from petsmart, I seen her in her little container and she was trying to climb up the glass and I just had to get her out of there...

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? 24x24x36 screen enclosure.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? Reptisun 18" 5.0 tube uvb light, 40w house hold bulb for basking.
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? 70ish throughout the cage, 76-82 at basking point.
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity? 60-90% humidity, Misting 2-4 times daily and reptifogger. I used a dual temp heat and humidity gauge.
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? 2 Umbrella Plants.
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? Its in my dining room, in a corner. Away from everything pretty much. Its about 4' from the floor.
Location - Where are you geographically located? Fort Bragg, NC.

Current Problem - Sleeping during the day, not active, hasn't ate in 2-3 days... But has drank.
It has to be sickness. My guess is parasites. Time for the vet! Also, parasites form from an unlean cage. At least one time a week you need to take a spray bottle and fill it 3 parts water, 1 part bleach. Soak everything in that. Let it stand for a while and then rinse real well with water so you cannot smell bleach, and of course pick up any messes like shed or poop every time you see it. There are plenty of commercial cleaning products you can use too.
Is she on a schedule of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness?

Has she always had that dark circle around her eye?

There are a few possibilities regarding her size.
She may have already been an adult when you got her, she may be a runt or she may have parasites.
I'm leaning towards the latter for two reasons:
My Jackson's girls, if allowed to, would all eat until they'd become mini hippos--never just satisfied with one or two food items per meal.
Secondly, you mention her having a jelly-like consistency to some stools, which can be an indicator of parasites.
Lastly, a change of environment can push the balance from healthy to ill in a weaker animal.

She may have parasites and an infection or just either but sleeping during the day is always a red flag and means she should be seen by a vet who regularly treats reptiles without delay.

Here is one resource for finding a decent vet, if you're not already familiar with one.

She should have more variety in her diet.
The addition of silkworms, phoenix worms, flies (usually hatched from fly pupae), farm raised (ONLY) hornworms (they are toxic after eating tomato leaves) and roaches are all good additions to her diet.
http://www.mulberryfarms.com/ is one reliable supplier of these
She usually has full eyes so I've never noticed the dark ring around her eye. This is the first time I've had an problem with her. But I'd like to get her a larger variety of feeders. She's never really been a piggy. I'll have to order some, but she can be picky about her food. It's crazy how fast this has happened. It's all changed as soon as I moved her. I'm going to go ahead and call a vet tomorrow and see if I can't find one that deals with reptiles/chameleons. Hopefully I can find a decent one. I appreciate your input. I've been waiting on a solid reply back.

She's on a 12on 12off schedual yes.
I noticed that I forgot to give you the vet locator resources link
ARAV vets are those with a special interest in reptiles.

I asked about the dark ring as it looks a bit puffy, too and I wonder if it might be a sign of infection in her sinus/eye area.

If you find a nearby vet, you might want to emphasize to the appointment maker that chams are delicate and maybe they can squeeze her in before Christmas, with a bit of luck.

Hope all goes well.
I noticed that I forgot to give you the vet locator resources link
ARAV vets are those with a special interest in reptiles.

I asked about the dark ring as I wonder if it might be a sign of infection in her sinus/eye area.

If you find a nearby vet, you might want to emphasize to the appointment maker that chams are delicate and maybe they can squeeze her in before Christmas, with a bit of luck.

Hope all goes well.

Thank you.

I have went back and looked at some pics, she has had that around her eyes since I've had her. It's just really noticeable in that pic I guess. I've never noticed any whistling or wheezing. I'm going to call a few vets. Hopefully I can get in tomorrow or Sunday... I'll keep you all updated.
Riptiboost is good if you use a syringe and drop on the tip of her nose try that no forcing that way its just like drinking for them but more like a milk shake. I would visit the vet first. Also I would take a fecal sample to the vet they are only 27$ here in London ont they should be affordable and if medsare needed just take one step at a time
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