female jackson going downhill.


ok this sucks to post this but i feel i should have takin assertive action earlier but i was hard headed and tried playing doctor of some sort. about a month ago my female jackson stopped eating. i figured it was a hunger strike so itried some bb flies. she ate for a while then stopped again. tried roaches and hornworms and no dice. so i tried reptaid and she got drastically worse. not sure if i dosed right cause i dont have a scale and she ended up getting pink pigmentation on some spots of her skin. i make sure she is hydrated and she will drink but eyes are starting to sink and she cant hold herself up on her perch so i put her on the floor so she wouldnt hurt herself if she fell. already set an appointment for tomorrow so lets hope the doc can do something to get her healthy enough to eat something so i can get a stool sample. sorry to everyone cause i know some will get mad and criticize but at least im owning up to it. and since im going to the vet i will get a fecal done for my male since his appetite has decreased lately but he is still very active drinks load and has a thick tail base. i know that doesnt say much but i will double check on him aswell. i will keep u posted as soon as i get back from the vet. sorry again!:(
Hi, Sorry to hear about your female Jackson's...definitely sounds like she has some problems. I'm glad you're taking her to the vet tomorrow. I hope the visit goes well and she will get healthy soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us updated on her progress.
thank u jaxy. i gotta admit she was doing wonderful until me and my ex thought it was an intriguing idea to see if she would eat a roach, because she had such an aggresive appetite, completely ignoring the info on the dangers of feeding wc insects. duh! i think she might have caught a parasite. dumb me. ive just been going through alot in my personal life stressing and depressed. my chams shouldnt have to suffer for that. im stepping my game up though.
thank u jaxy. i gotta admit she was doing wonderful until me and my ex thought it was an intriguing idea to see if she would eat a roach, because she had such an aggresive appetite, completely ignoring the info on the dangers of feeding wc insects. duh! i think she might have caught a parasite. dumb me. ive just been going through alot in my personal life stressing and depressed. my chams shouldnt have to suffer for that. im stepping my game up though.

I fed my male Jackson's wild caught bugs for most of the summer this year and he's doing great. So your female's problem probably isn't from one wild caught roach...but then who knows...she might have a parasite which can definitely be aggravated by stress. Unfortunately, chams aren't one of those pets that can be neglected even for a day (not to say that yours was). They aren't very forgiving when it comes to their health and we have to constantly monitor them every day. I think that's one of the reason that so many of us love to keep them. They are beautiful and yet challenging creature to keep. Your taking the first step by taking her to the vet. I'm sure after the vet visit you'll have a better idea of what's wrong with her and she'll get better soon. Best of luck with her :)
i hope! i got a busy day tomorrow. gotta take my car to get aligned dont wanna mess up my new tires. then go to home depot to get my supplies to build a drain table so i can prepare for a mistking then gotta take my sisters car to the shop and then to the vet we go. sucks cause the only appointment they had was at 420 in the afternoon. sucks having to wait.
yeah! i thought about. i had sprayed it around the house. i knew it was a bad idea. were both paying for it now.
Sorry you're going through such a hard time. I hope your cham gets better soon. If you're not already, maybe try offering water more often than usual. That could help flush out any possible toxin. Don't people use pedialyte as well?
yeah i have been giving her as much water as i can but its such a pain cause shes weak and it takes her so long to realize its water or whatevers goin through her head. so manuelly misting her takes over ten minutes JUST to get her to open her mouth. 2 hours to go till the vet appointment. ahh!
ok im back from the vet. i went to dr. white briarcrest veterinary clinic on wilcrest. this doc was awesome and very informative. he even let me see the organism through the microscope. its an organism called protozoa or trichomonads or flagellates. different names same thing. it is a common thing that comes from feeder insect wc or cb. only thing is i didnt take care of it soon enough so they were in massive numbers. (pretty bad) well he gave me the meds that i distribute every other day. forgot the medical name for it. she is in pretty bad shape. today was the first day she fell from her perch so i put her ficus back in her cage and layed her on it like a net. now i have to go get some pedialite to help her rehydrate. and keep up with the frequent mistings. so im off to homedepot to get some supplies to build a drain table cause its bad enough with the misting now with water going everywhere and im gonna have to kick it up a notch. so i dont want my room flooding. i dont want to post any pics of her now cause i dont want to remember her this way but if i do see improvments in her health i will post some. he even printed me out a bunch of info on different lighting things or whatever, (since i mentioned my beardie, which he even called beardie himself) so my male jackson and beardie will be goin for a check up pretty soon to prevent further illnesses. i must say i have learned my lesson about procrastinating so long with taking her in. "sigh" wish us luck fellow chamers! ps. i found out about this vet through the previous owner of my chams and he was also listed on the links provided at the top of the health clinic forum that helps u look for local herp vets. i would highly recommend him. especially if marley makes it through. if not i would still consider him my go to guy for my reptiles.
sorry guys but i have to pronounce her. 1:42 am september 11. r.i.p. marley. :(........... what should i do with her body?
Oh, I'm so sorry...

Do you have a bit of ground you can dig up to bury her? If you have a plant you want to put on her space, to grow from her gift, that would be lovely.
i know what it was. her body was just too drained from the protozoa. ugh. ive spent so much money on her and the others is sucks to lose her. i was really hoping to be a grandpa. i dont know if i want to continue with the jackson breed. i mean i still have the male and the enclosure but it would hit too close to home bringing in another female to take her place. i guess ill just wait a while, thoroughly disinfect her cage and plant and stuff and just waiiiiiiitttttttt. thank you all for the support. i just hope my male cant sense that shes gone (since i have a plastic sheet blocking their veiw from each other) and get sick of a broken heart.
What I did

First, I'm so sorry to hear that she didn't make it :(
When one of my chams passed away, I buried him beside a hedge and then put a paving stone over it to keep animals from digging him up.
Why near that hedge?
Because he invariably made a sneaky beeline for that row of hedges whenever he was outside with me.
Even if your cham didn't go outdoors, maybe lay her to rest beside a nice tree or some bushes.
i was thinking about planting her ficus outside and burying her with it. sounds like a good plan seeing as i saw another ficus at some garden place that had much thicker branches that id like to use for my male jackson. gotta do it quick before ants try getting to her. as far as getting another female i think im gonna hold off on that for a while. i feel like id be betraying her if i did so.
what do ya think

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