New Member
I came home tonight and looked in on my Jackson and she had a dark spotted color showing, most likely because the mister had just gone off. Well, about 5 minutes later or so, I was about to tack up the cover for her door that I use to help prevent light getting in when I noticed these strange white spots or blotches almost that I hadn't seen previously. I have never see her show these before so I am hesitant to right it off as part of her colors. They all seem to run along the spine/spikes (Unsure if we have a term for the spikes on their back, crest?) and some even seem to have cracking going on. Is she dehydrated? I provide plenty of water via a dripper daily and I usually see her drink as much as she wants at least once a day plus I have 5 different times that she is misted via my MistKing.
These WERE NOT there earlier today or yesterday, otherwise I would have posted then. I did however remember to grab pictures almost immediately after seeing these spots so that I knew I wasn't just crazy from this day I've been having...
Please help my poor Lilly...
EDIT: Could it be some kind of calcium build up? I just am at a complete loss here. I can't seem to find any other instances of this
These WERE NOT there earlier today or yesterday, otherwise I would have posted then. I did however remember to grab pictures almost immediately after seeing these spots so that I knew I wasn't just crazy from this day I've been having...
Please help my poor Lilly...
EDIT: Could it be some kind of calcium build up? I just am at a complete loss here. I can't seem to find any other instances of this