Female Jackson's has developed White Spots?


New Member
I came home tonight and looked in on my Jackson and she had a dark spotted color showing, most likely because the mister had just gone off. Well, about 5 minutes later or so, I was about to tack up the cover for her door that I use to help prevent light getting in when I noticed these strange white spots or blotches almost that I hadn't seen previously. I have never see her show these before so I am hesitant to right it off as part of her colors. They all seem to run along the spine/spikes (Unsure if we have a term for the spikes on their back, crest?) and some even seem to have cracking going on. Is she dehydrated? I provide plenty of water via a dripper daily and I usually see her drink as much as she wants at least once a day plus I have 5 different times that she is misted via my MistKing.

These WERE NOT there earlier today or yesterday, otherwise I would have posted then. I did however remember to grab pictures almost immediately after seeing these spots so that I knew I wasn't just crazy from this day I've been having...

Please help my poor Lilly...

EDIT: Could it be some kind of calcium build up? I just am at a complete loss here. I can't seem to find any other instances of this


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She's going to shed.

She was able to develop these spots in a matter of minutes, though? I mean she didn't have them and then 5-10 minutes later she did. She is over a year old and I've been caring for her for just over a month now. I just don't anticipate shed's with how old she is and this caught me way off guard with the speed of it formation.
She's about to get all peely!!! See how the white skin is starting to crack :)

Has she been crabby? Not eating well? All classic signs of shedding.

Give her extra long warm showers to help her get rid of the old skin. It's pretty hilarious to watch although I know they are miserable :)
She's about to get all peely!!! See how the white skin is starting to crack :)

Has she been crabby? Not eating well? All classic signs of shedding.

Give her extra long warm showers to help her get rid of the old skin. It's pretty hilarious to watch although I know they are miserable :)

I am really glad to know that this is just a shed. She has been the biggest source of my hypochondria, lately. She has what we consider two personalities or moods. There is Lilly, the Bright Green, some-what mild tempered Chameleon, and then there is Yzma, the dark splotched, snappy and hisses Chameleon. Though, lately she has been a bit of both. Depends on whats going on but she is ALWAYS willing to eat.

I think my first episode with her was either when she started her "Leaf-walking" or when I noticed her doing 360 degree circles on vines in her cage. Well, she does it if I put her on my bed as well, but instead of climbing or walking back and forth like in the cage, she will walk around the bed while spinning circles as if she is mapping her environment.
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