Female just layed eggs


New Member
My millie just laid eggs, I havent counted them but what it look like is 10 to 15, she mated so I am asuming they are fertile. I am new to owning a chameleon let alone taking care of babies/eggs. I have a couple questions, What do I do with the eggs? Do i leave them there/ do they need a incubator? How do I take care of the babies if they hatch?

Please help!
Did she lay them in a hole and bury them? Could she see you watching her while she was digging/laying them?

If the eggs are fertile you need a container with a lid. I use a shoebox sized tupperware type container. You need to fill it about half full of slightly moist coarse grained vermiculite. To test it for moisture, take a fist full of it that you have slightly moistened...if you can't squeeze more than a drop or two of water out of it then its about right. I make slight depressions in rows with my thumb in the vermiculite and sit the eggs in the depressions. When you move the eggs from where they were laid to the container try not to turn them. Put the lid on the container after you punch two tiny tiny holes in the lid...and put the container somewhere that the temperature will stay about 74F and where its dark. Beads of moisture should form on the inside of the lid and the walls of the container.
She is a veiled but I am not sure how many are there since I just got a glance, thats just what I got to see.
If you can leave her alone until she is back on her vines/trees. Otherwise you might just stop her from laying them all.

Once she is up on her vines/trees- mist her she is going to be very hungry and thirsty from all her hard work.

Feed her well a couple of days don't for get the Calcium since she used a lot making those eggs- then bring her back to her normal schedule of feeding.

She should look skinny and dirty when she comes up so don't be surprised :eek:
That's exactly how she looks, she finally is finished. She seems very weak, I misted her and made sure her dripper was going. I even dropped water onto her mouth which she licked off and seemed to enjoy. thanks!
i have a question for kinyonga, i have 32 eggs but im not sure how moist the dirt i bought at the pet store should be or how i should keep it moist ? can you help me out please
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